Quest For Snow - Part V - The way back & Sachalac

in #photography7 years ago


The snow was fun. It really was. But soooo tiring. Unbelievably so. We were swating, wet, and tired. We headed to the car, where there was no coke bottle to be found, we dried for few minutes, and decided we had enough and started heading towards civilization once more.

Before we exited the mountain pass we stopped for one last look at the white mountains, and I took this 5 photo panorama

But we got back on the road and soon there was very little snow to be seen

Instead clouds were encompassing us, as they rise and clash with the mountains.

The snack stop featured huge trays of Kanafeh. One is not colored

And the other one is colored. I'm not sure how the taste differentiate but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I asked to have a taste of one because I want to buy and yet I can't eat a serving as it wouldn't do my stomach no good after so many hours awake. And they gave me like 1/4 of a serving to test. It was the best Kanafeh I ever ate. I bought 3 servings.

As I was done paying for my Kanafeh, I noticed alex was holding the most amazing cup of Sachlav/Salep I've ever seen. This drink is common in Israel. It's popular in Jerusalem, and can be found in other places as street drink where there is large arab population, but it really can be found in any coffee shop nowadays, only the thing you find where I live in nothing like what we were served. This one was thicker, creamier, and it was served with massive amount of topping. If at Aroma you will get cinnamon, crushed peanuts and crushed coconut, this one had lots of crushed pistachios, and the coconut was roasted! It was amazing.

Here it is from above.

Well fed and happy we went on our way again. The last stop for this trip would be where there is a vantage point near Nimrod Fortress, where I took this craaazy panorama (IMO)

And this is Nimrod Fortress

That was the end of our trip, 3 hours later I was home, dead tired but managed to squeeze a post about the trip. Just today, almost a week later I manage to post the last part of the trip. It was exhausting :O Next posts will feature bonus images of Don the dog, stay tuned


הכנאפה, הו הכנאפה. אבל שים לב שצריך לעצור אצל אבו זיאד השני, זה שקרוב יותר לתחנת הדלק.

קנינו אצל אבו ג'בל.
לא יודע איך להגיד את זה, זה פשוט היה 10 רמות מעל כל כנאפה אחר שאכלתי. וחשבתי שממתקי מלק ביפו עושים כנאפה פצצתי. הכנאפה שקניתי בצפון אחרי כמעט שבוע במקרר היה כמו ההכי טובים של יפו.

אנחנו עוצרים קבוע אצל אבו זיאד השני כשמגיעים לצפון. לפעמים אפילו מתכננים את המסלול ככה ש"יצא במקרה" להגיע למסעדה.
כבעלת "שן מתוקה" אני מעדיפה לעשות את העיקןף הזה ולא לפספס את התענוג של הכנאפה של מסעדה.

The Kanafeh makes me so hungry!
Also, your photos are amazing.
You proffesional photographer right?

I dabble :)

That's an amazing tour!

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