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RE: Here are the "geoengineering" craft...

in #photography6 years ago

Thankyou for your comment, I have posted more technically scientific "cloud seeding" in the past.. as it is a rather out there topic... it takes your own research to piece it together.. I have done quite a few posts on the "solar shield".. ?.(google that)... or the post I made before this one, I had screenshoted the wiki page on it.. refering to the chemtrails as "Aeroslos".. which are not the planes exhaust.. please do check back to blog for any info I do find on my own research. Have a good day.


Thank you for that, I am learning.

You are welcome, and thats the wonderful thing about being human I guess, we NEVER stop learning.. please feel free to get in touch with any findings of your own... take care :D

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