Sunset : The Unlimited Beauty of Nature

in #photography6 years ago
These images were shot in three locations. The first image I shot when the sun really went down below the horizon which spark the yellow color. In each range of setting, the color may vary. The sun light travels through the atmosphere which serves various color that scattered out of the beam. The color itself is changing throughout the ranging time.

Click to see full imageNikon D7000, ISO 125/ 1/200 detik. f/25 30mm. Loc. Kandang Lhokseuawe

I found this sunset in my village, when I was on the way home. I saw this light far in the southwest and I decided to stop and took couple photos. As I thought, this sunset added more beautiful when it was seen throughout the various backgrounds before its light.

Click to see full image Nikon D7000, ISO 100/ 1/500 detik. f/11 55mm. Loc. Waduk Jeulekat Lhokseumawe
While this one, I found in tourism spot few days ago. It was attracted me with the orange color and this was the best moment to regard as golden hour. As usual, it took me sometime to find good result. In this case, I determined to learn much more in shooting this object because I believed it is not easy to catch the best golden hour.

Click to see full imageNikon D7000,ISO 100/ 1/320 detik. f/5,3 48mm. Loc. Batee Iliek Bireuen

The last pic, I shot while I was in my hometown. I found this accidentally, since I fall in love with the sunset I managed to stop and I shot a few photos. Still, I was trying to get the best shot even I failed to present the best quality sunset, at least it can present my effort of sneaking the beauty of nature.



Pemandangan seperti ini membuat saya merenung akan keEsaan Sang pencipta, sinar matahari yang menyala, memancarkan keindahannya keseisi alam semakin menambah rasa syukur saya atas tanda-tanda kebesaran-NYA.

Gambar yg sangat menginspirasi sekali, dan penuh makna.

Waaaw, ini amazing, very very amazing sunset :D

You are very good at capturing the photo, your picture is so beautiful. photo sunset is very beautiful.

Bertus dan bereh bg @abduhawab. Lanjutkeeen...

they look wonderful @abduhawab. i love seeing sunset and often make a post about it.

Ah bang.. ngiler liat hasilnya

Pemandangan yang indah.

Alam dengan perputaran waktu yang begitu tenang, nyaman dan penuh pesona, pada sa'atnya semua pulang ke peraduannya masing - masing. Seperti suasana yang kita rasakan di bulan yang penuh maghfirah ini begitu tenang, aman dan nyaman, semoga suatu hari nanti steemit juga duduk manis dengan nilai tukar yang yang tetap stabil, sehingga semua stemians juga merasakan kenyamanan. Sukses selalu pak @abduhawab semoga dalam bulan suci ini mendapat maghfirah dari Allah

Suasana sunset yg sangat bagus bg @abduhawab .banyangan gelap menambah indahnya suasana senja saat mentari tenggelam ..

100 persen mantap, bg..... hehehehe, pokok jih is the best . @abduhawab

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