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RE: MY STYLE - An addon to the @photogames “Who Took It Wednesday” game

in #photogames6 years ago

Holy moly, that first photograph is glowing. Beautiful work, Derek. In fact, all your work glows. I have a hard time explaining peoples' styles, but yours is holographic. Light penetrating through the depths, like tangible rays of light floating underwater. I like what you have to say about style, but I think I may be an outlier as far as most of my artistry being involved in post-production. :P You rock, my guy!


Wow, this description sounds so sophisticated I don't even know what to say now.

I know, right??? I would still love your input - no pressure to use terms like holographic, though - @johndykstra may say it's hard for him to explain people's styles, but I don't believe it. ;)

"Holographic"! "Light penetrating through the depths"! Wow, I never expected that kind of description of my work! That's awesome! The glow at least is intentional on my part - I put a subtle orton on most of my recent images, but I can't say that the other things are by design. Wonderful comments, thank you! :D

You're totally right, I was off-base when I said that about post-production, and I would have realized it if I'd thought for a moment. I do think it's generally true of a lot of types of photography, and especially early on in a photographer's career, post processing can have a larger influence on their style but obviously it was too broad a statement - style is much deeper than that.

I don't think you were far off base. Yes, there is a lot a photographer can do during shooting to craft their photograph. But post-processing is a huge part of photography, especially in landscape photography! Ansel Adams called the print the performance, and the negative the score.

Yes, it's one of the many elements that together make up the orchestra on which our symphonies can be played! :)

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