
Don't believe everything you read on the internet ! Its a great camera and far superior to the original 6D for everything except for perhaps astrophotography (of which I would put it on par ; slightly more noise but more pixels so it you down sample back down to the origional 6D 20MP its about the same for astro). The focusing system for moving people and wildlife photography etc is leagues ahead. The dynamic range might only be on par with the 6D but the original 6D had an excellent dynamic range as it was well ahead of its time when it came out. If your really after high dynamic range , then go over to Nikon or Sony as all Canon cameras lag in that area. The duel pixel focus system is great and needs a lot less light to focus and allows you to focus with live view on.

Thank you for the reply! I am glad to hear it's that good ! I am tempted by the faster frame rate to be honest, the original one is just not good! We would never change to another brand now, too far down the line and think if its not broken don't fix it!! We do tend to do a little astro photography but not enough for it to effect whether we would buy a certain camera! Will have to look into getting a mark 2 I think!

I tend not to take fast frame rate shots. But the auto focusing improvements are massive with with the cross type sensors and the duel pixel focus. One of those things that does not sound like much on paper but in practice I get twice the keepers taking wildlife shots over the 6D. For landscape the extra 6MP is nice but as huge a deal as you would think. If you are professional I would get the 5D IV but I could not justify twice the price for 4MP more and a little bit more dynamic range.

Well for our business we do need a bit of a faster frame rate so that would be good! We don't want the 5D IV it's too big and bulky, I have two on the day and just don't want the extra weight, we are happy with the 6D and no need to change atm!

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