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RE: Baba Stojanka

That's incredible that the village is just a few older people. Have they always lived there, or did they move there to get away from something?

It seems sort of sad and lonely, but she looks happy. And it makes me smile that she was so insistent that her name be shared. She's famous!


In Bulgaria, young people have been leaving mountains villages in search of a better life elsewhere for quite a few years. However, since they joined the EU this has certainly increased.

On the individual level, I guess I can't blame them for wanting to improve their situations. However, from a cultural standpoint, it's sad to see them leave, because not only does it leave their elders more vulnerable, but it also means that way of living is dying out. Hopefully they still take their heritage and values with them as not to forget. I really enjoyed getting a small glimpse into their lives because of your post. Thanks!

They have always lived there. Less and less remaining. This is one of the powers of photography - to preserve moments that are bound to go away.

Honestly, there's the tendency of migrating outside of Bulgaria for an enormous percent of young people. And I am staying in the country kind of to spite it all.

Of those who stay, few would consider going back to a village permanently. There are of course villages and villages. Big and small. Fortunately, after a decade or two in the city one begins to realize that you do not need to do it that permanently. You could live in the suburbs or villages, even, and travel to work in the city and back. Some people do it.

Some of the places are too remote, though.

Who knows. I wouldn't give a prediction about where I will be decades from now.

Greetings from Baba Nadezhda living in the Balkan Mountains. Baba in Bulgarian means Granny as you have probably guessed already. Nadezhda, ironically... or not... means Hope. Stoyanka/Stojanka has the same stem as Stoya - (I) Stay.


Thanks for the insider information! It was fun to get a little more of a peek inside your world. Greetings to you all as well!

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