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RE: Photography ... (High) Dynamic Range!

Dont know if im misunderstanding here (i dont think i am), but your sentence that states , " Most landscapes have a dynamic range of 6 to 8 stops" seems wrong to me.

My camera has the dynamic range of about 12 stops and even with careful exposure, it's often impossible to get all 12 stops in a single exposure where I have a standard ground and sky shot.

Even Ansel Adams' zone system had 10 zones, each of which equates to a stop.

Love to hear your thoughts on this.



Thank you for pointing this out ... my bad, you are of course right.

It is not the landscape that has 6 to 8 stops of dynamic range, but MOST PEOPLE USE in landscape photography no more than 6 to 8 stops in dynamic range. A lot depends on the time of the day you photograph ... And much is also dependent on where do you photograph.

About the zone system and the relation to digital photography I found the following on the internet:

For us digital photographers, we are only concerned with zones III through VII (zones 3 through 7). The darkest part of a scene would fall into zone III, while the brightest part of a scene would fall into zone VII. Anything darker than zone III would render as pure black with no detail (under-exposed), while anything brighter than zone VII would render as pure white with no detail (over-exposed).

Yeah, that makes sense now. You are really talking about tone mapping, so the shifting of tones down into the dynamic range of the monitor for example (which probably only has 6-8 stops of dynamic range) I guess. There's a lot of confusion between HDR and tone mapping but i tend to see the HDR part as the camera only bit and then the tone mapping as the "compression of stops" onto what is visible on the final medium.

True, but I think one (HDR), can not go without the other (Tone Mapping). If the dynamic range of an HDR image is reduced to make everything look good, the photo becomes dull because the contrast is very low. There are several techniques to make a reasonably true-to-life image, which still shows sufficient detail in the light and dark parts. One of those methods is tonemapping.

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