Fugitives of the imperium - A Post Story

in #photofeed6 years ago


The two men splashed through the shallows of the river. Thankfully the spring thaw hadn't started, or there would be no way for them to cross. They had started out early, which carried risks...but the risk of staying was greater. The book in their possession was considered heretical, which is why it was so important that it must get to it's final destination. There it would be safe. But until that moment, they couldn't let down their guard.


The Imperium would have sent soldiers as soon as the snow began to melt. Their heavy chargers were swift, but they weren't good on soggy ground. It was much better to be on foot for this part of the journey. Soon however they would reach the western end of the Kings Road and the horses would have the advantage. They had to gain ground quickly. If they were lucky - they would cross the mountains before another snow fall...but if not, they knew it would slow the enemy as much as them.

Tired, but motivated they pushed each other on.

If you like the photo or/and story drop me an updoot or a comment!
If you want to see more make sure you follow @jfolkmann


I don't understand your comment.

Just reacting to no being a way to cross without the thaw.

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Great photos, and another chance to imagine a scene. I like it.

Thank you.

Thanks Bigtom! I'm having fun writing these....no pressure of having to figure out an ending i guess.

Incredible photos and looking forward to the next installment!

Thanks! They're different every time :)

Nice pictures! Upvoted :)

Thank you much!

Love the colors of these!

Thank you! Mountain light....coooold.

Gorgeous pictures again! Great surroundings for a story indeed :-)

Good to see you in the PYP :)

Love it! And great great photos too!

Thanks @aweber! They're fun to write.

Awesome photos and story!! It was cool to hear what you are doing over the whaleshares!

Definitely worth a doot!

Appreciate it muchly.

Is this part of a multi-part series, or is a stand-alone short story?

Stand alone...for now. The only one I've done as a multipart series...is my little princess ones.. Each image gives me another story idea...

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