
Urban animals learn to adapt pretty quickly. I used to spend a lot of time in London, and some of the pigeons were up all night. They did look a bit scruffy, and in need of a wash though. The daytime ones in the summer used to queue up to shower under the lawn spinklers in the parks. It was quite amusing to watch them marching around and pecking at the same bits of grass while they waited patiently for their turn under the shower.

I adore pigeons. My Raven and I were in Manchester recently and both in tears at the state of the city pigeons, so many of whom were missing legs or feet or toes... We did watch them taking showers in the water feature in Picadilly Gardens, funnily enough <3

There are some really pretty red and white ones in the carpark at Petersfield. Next time I'm there, I'll take some photos for you.

Thanks! :D Here's a shot of the Mancunian pigeons showering (well, actually, I think they were drinking - it was pretty damned cold...brrrrr!)


It looks to me as if they are on a date. 😍

Quite possibly - "Do you fancy popping out for a drink, love?" 🐦

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