When a Non-Landscape Photographer Goes to a Landscape Photographer's Paradise

in #photofeed6 years ago

It's difficult to define what type of photographer I am. If you scroll through my posts, you will find a lot of inconsistency. I swing from macro photography to abstract, from product to street, and if you look harder, you will also find some examples of landscape photography. The latter, however, is what I enjoy least. Don't get me wrong - I love nature! I just don't find pleasure in taking typical landscape pictures at this point.

So, I asked myself before going to Iceland "What should I take pictures of in the landscape photographer's paradise?" The answer became clearer after spending a day with my Icelandic friend in Copenhagen. I was to look for abandoned places and things.

factory 1.jpg

To me, this looked like a small factory, but I am clueless to what they used to make here. Perhaps you might have an idea?

factory 2.jpg

Apart from the garbage, there were also some creative graffiti painted on the walls of the chimney-like structures.

factory 3.jpg

There were small gaps in the walls that allowed me to photograph the building from the inside. I wonder what the two plastic containers were used for.

factory 4.jpg

factory 5.jpg

As it turned out, Iceland is full of abandoned factories, farms, vehicles, and even ships, and given my love for such things, I am completely satisfied with my first visit! And by the way, I have one more Abandoned Things in Iceland post to come, probably sometime next week.

Thank you for stopping by!


All pictures are taken with Lumix G80 and Olympus 12-40 f/2.8 Pro.
factory 6.jpg


You really should develop this side, as you have, obviously, an eye for it. Putting things into a wider context will further educate your photographic intent. Catching the energy of a place by carefully selecting your point of view, scene, the moment of the day, it is far more rewarding, at least for me, than other styles of photography.

Places, landscape, do speak. The common misconception is that landscape translates automatically to nature. It is not. A landscape is much more. Its branches are virtually neverending in terms of subjects and geometry. Indeed, one might argue that an electron-powered microscopic view of human skin can be a landscape, and indeed it is.

What I am trying to say is that your experiment in Iceland related to landscape was successful and this warrants at least a follow-up. :)

Hey man, thank you for taking the time to write this! I think you are right about the misconception, but that probably doesn't matter that much. The follow-up will be actually next month when the weather (I hope) will be more favorable for exploring such places while looking for the perfect scene :)

I thought about you when we were traveling in Iceland - I think it's a place that you are going to like.

I would have loved to be there! It is exactly my kind of happiness. To roam deserted, neverending, landscapes. :)

I searched google for similar photo and found one attached to a blog named The Iceland Experience. But I couldn't find anything with the photo or explanation. Maybe you can since you've been there and know the general area.

So you like abandoned places eh? I wonder what that means??

Nice photos btw....it shows that you aren't attracted to the typical tourist or photographer's spots to capture shots. You are unique :)

Thank you, Deb! Are you attracted to the typical tourist spots?

So you like abandoned places eh? I wonder what that means??

Hmm, it means that I like mysteries :) I love exploring such places, discovering things that were left behind, and pondering what happened and why.

Very nice shots. To me it looks like some sort of farming operation. The large silos are not unlike what farmers in the grain belt of the USA use for storage, and the low building looks as if it may have been used for livestock.

I would definitely love to see some of the abanoned vehicles, particularly the ships! In the right light and conditions, thouse can be impressive, especially if you can get a unique angle or take on it.

The mountains in the background look impressive, too, if not a bit forbidding.

Thank you so much, Mark! It could very well be a farming facility of some sort.

The ship that I disovered was actually more of a very large boat :) I will publish it next week!

ye am 63% sure its a cattle Barn. not on the silos but the lay out inside. but its a bit to big so maybe its pigs.

a love the blue rat.
a think mots

63% sure? 😂😂😂

I would bet on the cattle :)

ye a cant say 70% not so sure..:P

Who cares about the style...your photos have specific mood which I love. I don’t like uniformity, I find it boring. Versatility is what catches my eye. Great photos dear, as always!

Thank you, dear Di! Versatility! Maybe I am a versatile photographer 😊

Searching for the meaning and structure of your work is a never-ending story in many cases. It's sometimes exhausting or demotivationg. Therefore, I'm so proud of you! Great job!

Thank you so much, Agne!

You are a good photographer, because everything is part of life, not only nature, but also the things that the hand of man has done, and that are recorded in a photograph. They all have a story or something interesting to tell. Regards!

Aw, thank you so much @marynet! As much as I appreciate nature, I am mostly interested in taking pictures of man-made objects :) All the best to you!

Interesting shots - as I mentioned in an earlier comment it is good to see some non traditional landscapes from Iceland.

To be honest, I also took some traditional shots of Iceland's stunning nature 😁 However, I don't think I will be posting them. Thank you @fathergrumpy! I am now heading to your blog to check what you've been up to.

Nice photos man, even though you don't like landscape photography, you have a great skill for capturing it. They look like big chimney stacks of some sort, so a factory sounds plausible or some sort of brewery maybe?

A brewery? Haha, I hope not! 😁 As some of the other guys said, the building is most likely an ex cattle barn. Thanks man!

Shows how much I know 🙈 ha ha...

It is those towers that threw me, and I was thinking something like picture below, with those big stacks... A cattle shed actually makes sense, them tower things could be grain stores for farm animals?


But I am the same! Whenever I see chimneys, the first thought is always "Ah, a brewery!" 😁
These used to be grain silos for sure :)

Ha ha, sound... By the way I nominated you for this million dollars challenge thing in case you didn't see the tag (think they are not working well now...) Feel free to ignore if it's not your cup of tea.. https://steemit.com/milliondollarchallenge/@ablaze/one-million-dollars-first-24-hours

Pf, the notifications on Steemit are not working - the only way to see if you have been mentioned is to use busy.org instead of steemit.com. Thanks for the nomination man, but I think I will skip this one :))

Ya know something, I had a feeling it might not be your cup of tea to respond to these kind of nominations... That's cool 👍

I especially like the picture looking down the long line of rusty red-shuttered windows and doors, seeming to say, "We are closed for good."

Yes! I wonder why they did that... Glad that you liked the shot @bananamemos :)

Such a cool blog you have, by the way :)

Thanks! Some think we're a little fruity, but we are just enjoying ourselves and hoping to bring a smile to others' faces. :-)

You surely brought a smile on my face :))

Landscape images quickly become boring or its difficult and make it interesting a think, but I also think that your image can be defined in a way as Landscape pictures. like the first picture. and a think to ruins are a part of the landscape.

You might be right :) I was wondering whether such images can be classified as Landscape photography. Let's say then that I am not into typical Landscape photography where there are no people or man-made things ;)

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