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RE: The Countless Stars of Heaven's Field

in #photofeed6 years ago (edited)

Excellent question - it wasn't wide open - I think it was f/2.0. This lens performs better when it's stopped down a bit. You'd notice a lack of sharpness if you shot at f/1.4 and then looked closely.

That's the same story for most if not all lenses. The Rokinon 14 f/2.8 is better at f/4.

And thank you. :)


Even at f2.0 it would be an excellent performer.

Yes, it is! I've heard people say their quality is a little hit or miss, but I think my rental lens was a good copy, because it was so sharp!

I'm dying to rent it again or buy it, and use it on a star tracker.....

Yes make sure you can return it if it is a bad copy. Having said that I've seen some bad premium lenses as well, like a Canon L (which I ended up fixing myself - there are centering screws inside the lens you can adjust).

Did that void the warranty? :)

It was a second hand lens, I should have returned it to the guy but I kind of didn't use it straight away, so found some info on how to fix decentering in that lens. It was pretty obvious decentering as the stars were elongated even at the lens center.

I guess that's the same principle as collimating a newt?

kind of, I had the lens setup on a tripod in liveview on a bright star while I did adjustments to get the star nice and round. It was a real pain to be honest putting the lens back together!

Still that's great that you were able to fix it yourself. Most people wouldn't even try. :)

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