reading the signs

in #photofeed6 years ago

I looked through my photo library today and noticed a trend...

I have a lot of signage photos.

@kus-knee is running a contest about strange or funny signs (tomorrow is the last day), so maybe this stuck in my subconscious and called my attention to the photos in my library.

I gave it some thought but I am still unsure of why I'm drawn to signage.

Each would make a great writing prompt — there are always stories in a photo. Someone just has to put the words together to create it.

No quotes, not titles, just the signs for your interpretation.

photos by

Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 18-55mm | 55mm-200mm | 55mm f/1.8
Adobe Lightroom

©All rights reserved, 2018


I like the bat sign the most. Good timing though on the Guinness with a plane in the sky. Was that intended?

Was there a lady carrying something on the Taylor's Tea Room sign? That's the pic that you did comparison with colored and black and white if I remember it right.

Wow....what a memory!!! was a similar shot with the sign in the photo and the lady walking by with a bag of something. You deserve a prize!!!!!

And yes, that was a plane in the sky....and yes it was an intended shot. Sometimes I do those too :) Mostly, I see something and take a picture.....real professional like :)

Haha! I wonder what prize that would be hmmm...

Lots of your shots are pro level already :D

Seriously? Thank you sooooo much!! I love that you think my shots are pro level.

you know I'm going to write a story about one of those signs - I've already told you about it. (Don't worry, I'll give you credit for the photography)
I wish I could use all the pics...hmm, that's an idea....material for several stories :)

Free 99. That's what it costs.

Signage is cool... although my personal preference tends to lean towards the old and neglected.

One of the things I love about the town we live in (Port Townsend, WA, USA) is the general age of the downtown buildings (mostly 1850s-1890s) which means advertising was painted as murals on entire building sides... now they are all flaky and faded, but still there... a testament to an age where things were made to endure.

Oh your downtown sounds beautiful. I love the older buildings as well. We have a few spots around here to check out too but unfortunately they all have modern signage now. The odd time I'll find something older.....especially if it's painted on a building and is still there or partially there. I love the flaky look though, don't you?

Signs are how buildings speak :) I'm drawn to them too - you have such a great collection here.

Here's one on my road I've loved for years, and hope to write a poem about sometime soon. The lighting's not right but I'll get it perfectly when the weather brightens up... if only I had your steady hand and eyes!


Here you go.... it's a lovely shot btw. I lightened things up a bit for you and adjusted the exposure.

changed priorities ahead.jpg

There it is, haha! Thank you so much - now to write the poem it deserves :) you have motivation.....maybe :)

Ironwood?! I have family in Ironwood, Michigan.

That's a nice assortment of signs, you have there. Is that really how they do the trains, in that last photo? I like all the colors in your photos. Jax Sweet Shop looks like my kind of place!

Ironwood...yes!! lol. It's an old pioneer town around here. It's part of the Westfiled Village I go to occasionally.

The train crossing is from the village too. The kind of train crossing we have now is in the 10th photo. I put up a lot today didn't I? dizzy.

Jax Sweets Shop, yes please :) Thanks for liking my photos. :)

Oh, I was going to ask....did you think the one sign said Joanne's Stalking Service (5th shot) I did when I first saw it!!

Haha, I like it! For people who want to hire out their stalking.

The last time I did a flying monkey on my bike, it ended badly. Where they come up with that name, do you suppose?

I don't know where they came up with the name. I didn't go in - wasn't dressed for going out for dinner to be honest...had my house sweats know the kind...holy and greasy with a bit of paint on them type of clothes. We just went out for a drive that day. I really need to dress like a real person once in a while :)

These are great! I love the bicycle, so cute! And the memory limousine...too funny! All of these signs have such a story. Great photos!

Thanks @birdsinparadise. Funny how I had a collection and didn't know.

Those are some pretty cool signs.

Yes....who knew I was a collector....I didn't do it on purpose, on purpose....just on purpose if you know what I mean :) hehehe

Thank you @asgarth. Funny how we end up taking photos of things and not realizing we've made the subject a hobby. Have you done that as well?

Not really, or maybe I just have to look at my photo library to realize it :)

Interesting collection , if you arrange them you could even write a story around it :)

For sure. If I could write I would, but I can't very well any how. :/


This is very impressive. How did you manage to find all these crazy/weird signs?
I can't ever find any. I try to look for some, but maybe I am not as good in paying attention like you are.
Anyways, I really enjoyed it, so thanks for sharing.

Oh thank you so much @joalvarez. I actually wasn't looking for signs, I just realized today that I have a habit of shooting some photos of them whenever I go out - and while looking at my library I noted I had a lot of them. So I picked out a few to share today. These photos are from 5 different places.

I also have a bench thing . ... :)

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