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RE: Stairs in the Woods

in #photofeed7 years ago

Your story reminded me of Thoreau's writings in Walden.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

I like how you shot the trees - I never thot to angle my camera - duh! When I take a photo it looks like a jungle....I'll have to remember this technique.

I love the faint peach color of the sky in the first photo. (it's not pink, it's peach 🤣)


Haha, you and your colors! 😊 It's a pink-tinted peach 😁

Thanks Deb! Taking such shots is much easier when you have a camera with a tilting or articulating screen. Did your new lens arrive already?

Yes! I got my new lens. Practicing with it. You should have seen the first shots!! lol....blurry and ghostly. But I've been using my telephoto lens this week bc of the ice....I don't want to fall, again. I fell last year and was soooooo embarrassed. A high school kid came to my rescue and I suddenly felt like an old lady :) He called me m'am. lol I'm too young at heart still to feel old. But...I do have to be careful, I'm getting to that age where broken hips happen. ugh.

Okay, you can have your pink tinted peach. I'll give that to you 😇

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