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RE: Avoiding Banality

in #photofeed6 years ago

Interesting discussion. I feel myself a photographer first and foremost (just as @soyrosa stated). For me, this means that I want the images to tell their own stories. And that may be different stories for different people. Writing a story in words for me is hard; words don't come by themselves; I have to think about every word. And English is not my mother tongue; this doesn't help either.
So, 'photo only', with a small explanation works the best for me.
(btw: I like the series of the doorbells; make me wonder what kind of people live behind these doors)


Ah, yes, language! English is not my mother tongue either. It's a search for words sometimes :D Thanks for sharing your view on it as well! :-)

Nice to meet you @bringolo and thanks for your insight! I am not a native English speaker either, so I know very well what you are talking about. Although I like writing stories, it takes so much time and effort to double and triple-check what I have written. It is what it is though, and practice makes perfect :) Photos with short explanations should are alright.

Glad that you like my doorbells! I like your minimalist shots :))

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