Universal Purple.

in #photofeed5 years ago

Here's one of my favorites so far from the night shots. :)

I'm pretty happy and impressed with this one.
However, the purple in the sky is sort of a glitch or an accident as the other ones from this spot did not have purple in them like this.

I think maybe it's because a car was driving by and their lights effected the image, however we tried to replicate that when more cars came by and were not able to... So... Yeah... I'm not sure why the sky is purple in this one, but I like it!

I love how what I think is the the Milky Way? Is so clear over the beautiful red rocks! This was taken up the canyon towards Flagstaff right at the bridge there.

There's also a shooting star/plane/UFO in the top left corner that is very faint and going horizontally. This time however, I am leaning towards it being a UFO because that night/morning I saw numerous UFOs fly right in that same exact area... Though, I did see a plane fly by there as well, so who knows really?

Anyways.. I hope you like the shot! I should have 3 or 4 more images to share in the next coming days before I'm done for a while until I get some more new shots. It's been fun! Night photography is something I enjoy a lot and I'm glad that some of you also enjoy the pictures I have shared. :D

Anyways... That's it for me for now, bye until next time!



Wow, nice shot. Such pretty pre-dawn colors with the milky way and so many beautiful stars.

Thanks dad! That was a fun one and we got some beautiful shots. Glad I got to share it with you and I hope we get to do some more night photography soon.

Very cool. The purple is a neat touch. That's interesting that it was by fluke and that you couldn't replicate it. Is the UFO that you're talking about the long horizontal streak at the top left or is it the extra bright spot even further left? I can't tell of the later is just two stars close together that's light bled into each other.

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Agreed, the purple is neat and it was interesting the lil glitch thingy that happened. Sometimes I like those little glitch type things, they make for interesting possibilities!
To answer your question the UFO thing I mentioned is the horizontal streak, though the one you mentioned is interesting too... I wonder why that one is so much more blurred than the others? Maybe there's something going on there too? I dunno, good eye though! Thanks for pointing it out and for the feedback!

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