
Hello @thedarkhorse I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are. Thank you for your lovely comment and kind upvote. You can tell I love nature huh?

It shows just a bit.

Been crazy busy with my businesses and it's only going to be crazier the next 2 weeks. Plus running the contest takes up a little bit more time then I expected, but luckily some great people helping out so it's not overwhelming. But in a few weeks things get a little more normal for me again....hopefully. Hope you have been doing good.

Somehow I don't think you will ever suffer from boredom. I think if you were given more hours in the day, you'd fill them up pretty quickly too. (: But do take time to rest a little in's so important. (Grandmother's are inclined to give advice when it is not asked for.......only because we care. lol) I'm also very aware of how easy it is to overdo things.......and I am guilty as charged on this issue. I have been doing well. Thank you for asking. The cooler weather is my friend and gives me more energy. So then.......I can get out and enjoy nature......and take more photos.

I take a 15-30 minute power nap each day, it recharges me and lets me use 4-5 hours a night of actual sleep. So I can get a lot done in a day compared to most people. Been this way since I was a kid. Funny story, my Mom thought my younger Sister my have something wrong with her because she slept so much. When the Doctor asked how many hours she was sleeping he said that was normal and why was she worried. Then she explained I would only sleep around 7-8 hours total per day as a baby and my idea of a nap was 20 minutes twice a day and it was when I wanted to, not when she wanted it to happen. guess I would just decide it was time to nap and pass out, then 20 minutes later I'd be up ready to go. Then at night it was maybe 7 hours of sleep. But he said as long as I wasn't tiered there was no need to worry either...sure these days they would have drugged me insisting that a baby needs their sleep.

You can Grandmother me shows you care and I'm always happy to have someone that cares giving me advice.

Glad you are able to get out more and enjoy what you love. Our winter just refuses to leave, had 2+ inches of snow a few days ago and nasty weather is coming in again for this weekend.

I've heard about people like you who can set off at a cracking pace after a 20 minute power nap. Unfortunately I have never been able to sleep in the daytime......not even for 5 mins so if I don't sleep well at night I can never catch up. I no longer stress about it and I'm thankful for every hour of sleep I get at night. Yes, its sometimes hard to keep my grandmotherly instincts in's a hangover from having strong mothering instincts I think. They don't seem to lessen even in my old age. (lol) You poor guys having to put up with a prolonged winter. Spring is going to absolutely wonderful once she gets a chance to do her thing.

Oh...naps are the best, feel like I slept a whole night. Wish everyone could function like this, it's so efficient.

As for Winter, it's ok. But these years tend to go from winter and skip spring straight to summer. We loose all the great weather and go straight into to hot and muggy...downside of here too, out summer heat is humid too.

I wish everyone (particularly me) could function like this too. Effective power naps would allow me to fit in so much more in my day. (:

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