A part of my life in a collage - for the first Photocollagecontest #1//Pets

@marcovanhassel started a new contest. This is the chance not to share only one picture of your beloved animals in a contest. Make a collage with some of your best shots.

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This is my entry for the #photocollagecontest . On the picture you see my two best buddies i live with. They are called Marley(Ridgeback - Stafford mix) and Snoop(Ridgeback). Both are adopted as they were in need of a new home. We adopted first Marley when he was 4 months old and later Snoop, who was 7 years at that time. Snoop is now 10 years andMarley 5.

The question is : how old was Marley when we adopted Snoop?? 😃

....ha ha just joking ..while i wrote this down it reminded me of the mathematics tasks in the early school days.
Back to the dogs 😊....they are trained in a positiv manner and where we live they can run without a leash on the beach all year long..and i love to walk with them, seeing no humans, just the dogs and me...that's so peaceful.

collage1.jpg Click picture for full view

Thanks @pundito for bringing this contest to my attention 🙂


Very nice collage! Glad to have you on board 👍🏼

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Thank you - yes they are :)

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Those are very good looking dogs. My Uncle has had Rhodesian ridgeback's for a long time, well they are on their 4th I think. Good dogs, but full of energy and need their exercise.

When you get to know this dog breed and understand it, you get hooked to them.I guess your Uncle is😉 .And yes they need their exercise - for the body and for the brain. They were bred to chase lions and keep them in place until the hunter arrives. So they had to make their own decisions and they still do😉. But if you keep that in mind and do not educate them with a hard hand, they are just wonderful.

People mess up and buy a "working dog" like this and think they can keep it locked up inside all day and wonder why the dog goes crazy. The exercise really is for their mind as much as their body.

It really is cool they were breed to chase lions, just a fun background. Knew about this as my Uncle had told me years ago and I thought he was messing with me...lol. So I had to research the breed and confirm it.

They are very responsive to training. They had a puppy last time we spent a week at their lake house and they were working with him at the time. Smart breed.

Yes that's a big problem for the animals when they don't get their needs. And then they end up in a shelter because no one can handle them anymore...so sad. I waited with getting a dog until i knew i'm home all day.
Training them is really fun because they are so smart and very sensitive.

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This is our dog. He is a GoldenDoodle and a great house pet. Needs his exercise, but cool with just laying around most of the day. This was after I took him on a 3 mile walk...wore him out.

Awww you have also a dog :) - I knew you are awesome ;) ....he looks cute. The old one from us looks the same after a 3 mile walk - but the young one can go with the bicycle 10 miles and when we get home he asks for playing ball.

Best people have dogs ;) .

Cody, our dog, is 8 now so he is getting up there for a bigger dog. But we only got him last year when my Grandparents had to go into a nursing home. They live 2 miles from us now and we do a lot to keep them active like take them shopping, out for meals, just go sit with them outside and have a coffee, bring them over for all holidays, and so forth. They are now 93 and 88 I believe...either way they are up there.

As for Cody we keep him active with at least a 1 mile walk each day plus the goofing around with the "kids" (that includes me) and he eats good so he should live a full life. Our German Shepherd lives to 13 so we know how to deal with large dogs and when they get older to keep them going a little longer as they start to get bad joints...worst part of big dogs. Think one important thing is to keep them moving...just like old people. Once you stop moving you start to die.

It is a great pity that big dogs leave the earth even earlier. Snoop is a really big Ridgeback and he has osteoarthritis. He's on medication but i'm afraid of the warm weather soon to come. Last year in summertime he could not walk very much and was constantly in pain. Then we found a new medicin and gave it a try. With sinking temperatures and the new medicine, he was fit again and even ran on the beach. But soon summer will be back and i don't want to see him in pain anymore. But he had some nice years in his older age as he was a rescue dog. Before we got him, he was chained all day and didn't got enough food and i'm sure he was beaten too. And then he was brought to a vet with a stomach turn to put him down. But this great veterinarian has operated on his own cost and conveyed him further. So he came to us. He was just skin and bones and did not have much faith in humans. After a while he gained trust to us and started to look very good. He has such a beautiful soul.
Getting old with pain is no fun.
My grandmother became 99 and i'm sure she would have made the 100 if she didn't fell out of the bed and broke her hips. After surgery she never recovered and died. It's great that you keep your grandparents active with doing nice things with them. That's how it should be in a family.

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They are so cute mine would love to play with'em ;D

Thank you - yes they are :) - how many dogs and which breed do you have?

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