The Feeding Frenzy

pigeon lady.jpg



@harrynewman and I often spend our weekends outside enjoying the sun and taking a few snaps. On this particular weekend whilst at The Entrance an elderly couple caught our eye. As we walked past the usual spot where the pelican feeding takes place we noticed pigeons and seagulls landing on the couple and their friends. As I snapped a few pictures I too seemed to be a great spot for the birds to perch. The birds showed no fear being more interested in the food.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as we enjoyed ours, thanks for stopping by!



When birds attack...

The oldies had no fear, the pigeons i don't mind but my friend almost lost a toe at the beach when a seagull mistook it for a hot chip! Never turn you back on a hungry seagull...

I was caught in an unfortunate seagull incident a while back. I’m still having therapy so don’t want to talk about it. :)

I hope your friend’s toe is going to re over too.

haha she only hurt her pride and now has a serious phobia of seagulls.

I hope the therapy is going well

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