
Thanks, they were fun to do, with the challenging light it was actually fun trying to get OK shots and also since its manual lens it also reminds one of the techniques which was fun and good to do :)

I bet, it was fun - I cannot remember, when I shot last time with a manual lens. Did I say, that I like the photos? But I like darker photos anyway, and also vignettes ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

I to love vignettes but you probably have noticed that LOL

I have, of course :)

I don't always add them but more often than not I do :)

Mostly I add vignettes to macros, if I want to highlight the flower or the insect in the photo even more, but also on landscapes, of course ;)

Yes I do the same for the most part
I hope your week is starting well

Yes I do the same
For the most part I hope your
Week is starting well

                 - tattoodjay

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

My week has started with a lot of work, and this Monday will end late, because I have 2 meetings this afternoon, and the second one is at 3:30pm, but when I work longer today I will go home earlier tomorrow :)

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