
Ohh yes no wonder everything is expensive in NYC, and I guess a sign of the times and how it has become a throw away society

wow very true sir, I mean doesn't sound right to just rip out perfectly healthy plants and throw them away. I'm not a green freak or anything but that just doesn't sound right. I guess they have lots of money to play with!

I guess this is just one of many things that explains why everything in NYC is so expensive, I remember when I first got here and considered renting a place in NYC, the prices were crazy, plus i decided i wanted to live out of the madness that is Manhattan, mind you queens where I first lived was cheaper than Manhattan, but still not cheap

oh wow, you actually lived in the city when you first came, that had to be a culture shock if you came from New Zealand!

It was a culture shock, when I arrived in NYC for sure, but I didnt come from NZ to here I had been out of NZ for years by that time, I actually came from Rwanda to NYC, and thats even more of a culture shock LOL

lol!.. holy moly JJ! What were you doing in Rwanda?

I worked in the field for Peacekeeping for many years so I saw many interesting places shall I saw

howdy this fine Sunday tattoodjay! Oh how interesting! I bet you have some stories..have you ever posted about those experiences? That would be amazing!

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