@photochallenge - Humans - In company with Duke

in #photochallenge5 years ago (edited)

This photo is my entry for the 'Humans' #photochallenge and #sundayphotochallenge contest initiated by @photochallenge.


In the most prominent place of the city of Odessa is a monument to the governor Duke de Richelieu. There is always a lot of people.

This place attracts tourists and those who want to admire the sea view from the height of the Potemkin Stairs.

Here you can see different people with different interests and feelings.

I took this picture from the territory of the marine station. I did not set a goal to photograph specific people. Already at home, I reviewed the photo.

Here you can see the experiences and joy, concern and leisure pastime. Hobbies can be seen immediately, perhaps one of the photographers who were in the frame, will soon publish their pictures in #Steemit.

Even heroism, fell into this frame. A blind girl with a cane is about to go down this steep staircase. Perhaps this is a forced action, but in any case it is heroism.


She must go through many steps, for understanding this set, I will show you this ladder in full.

This is the point from which I took the first shot.


In the first photo, the beginning of the road.

Such different people gathered in one photo.

Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera.
Author @barski

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