PhotoChain Challenge 16th Edition. Like Ducks in Water.

in #photochain4 years ago

I am pleased to participate this second time in the contest created by @davidesimoncini in which you have to present a photo with two keywords that are given weekly. The words are: LANDSCAPE AND BIRD.

laguna, caballo, patos, mono 011.jpg

Domestic ducks are lucky birds as they fly and swim. Everyone knows that I have ducks on the farm and that I take care of them with love.

photochain, patos, 023.jpg

But I have to tell you that the two female ducks are not mine, they are from my neighbor but they come every day to swim with my male duck. He is very kind to them and they spend the whole day swimming.

photochain, patos, 020.jpg

I present to you the two neighboring ducks that make my lagoon look like a spectacular landscape. A white and a black are very nice.

My personal subjet this week is WATER.


I am a duck mum! We got 11 and we love them so much it’s a daily task. My son has them fostered after mum died . I loved this blog and decided to feature you in the @pifc for this week

Thank you so much @brittandjosie The Ducks are adorable animals.

Mijita... No había visto tu publicación, a no ser por @brittandjosie.
Vamos a darle por whatsapp para que cuadremos algunos detalles.

Claro amigo @oneray esa es la idea.

Perfecto,amiguita. Nos estamos wasapeando , jajaja.
¡Qué palabra tan extraña y solamente los maracuchos las podemos inventar!

Nice duckies! Thanks for the photos! 😎

Congratulations on being featured by @brittandjosie in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Lol they're kinda cute but it doesn't mean I'd stop eating duck, lol its delicious

Did you happen to feed them or is that not allowed?

Nice pictures. And thanks for mentioning that contest, I couldn't remember who was doing this one!

I found this post because @brittandjosie featured it in the Pay it Forward Curation contest. Keep up the great work!

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