Tips for Better Photos: If Your Photos Are Not Good Enough

in #photolast year

Photo by Alvin Lenin on Unsplash

1. Approach

It was the famous photojournalist Robert Capa who once said, “If your photos are not good enough, you’re not close enough.” He talked about taking action. If you feel that your pictures are not “appearing”, you should take a step closer to the subject. Fill the frame with your design and see how much better it will look without losing so much space.

2. See the light

Before lifting your camera, see where the light comes from and use it to your advantage. Either natural light from the sun or an artificial light source like a lamp; How can you use it to improve your photos? How does light interact with the scene and the reason? Has an interesting area or shadow been highlighted? These are all things that you can use to make an ordinary photo extraordinary.

3. Use the flash during the day

You may think that you should only use the flash at night or indoors, but that is not the case at all. If it’s an extremely bright day outdoors and the sun casts a shadow on the subject, turn on the flash. By forcing additional light on the subject, you can fill those ugly shadows and create an even exposure.

4. Read the manual of your camera

The best way to know what you can do with your camera is to read the manual. Many people miss this important step in their photographic journey. Every camera is different, and if you read the manual, you’ll know all the incredible things it’s capable of.

5. Fifth frame

This is a technique that you can use when you want to draw attention to something in your photo. When designing a scene or a creative, such as For example, use a window or a bow to bring the viewer’s eye to the main focus.

6. Shutter speed

If you know your shutter speed, it has the difference between a blurry picture and a sharp picture. Everything depends on what you are looking for. If you are filming a sports event or children in the backyard, you probably want your motives to be clear.

To capture fast actions, you must use a shutter speed of 1/500 second, if not 1/1000 to 1/2000. At the other end of the scale, you’ll need to lift the long strips of the taillights of a car that’s going through your shot.

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Therefore, you would set the shutter speed of your camera to a long exposure. This could be a second, ten seconds or even more.

7. Shoot with your mind

Even if you do not shoot, shoot with your thoughts. Practice expressions and lighting conditions. Discover how to create a picture of this scene that interests you and what type of exposure you can use to better capture it.


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