Quick Shot : Hippolyta

in #photo6 years ago

Next Post will be the Click-and-Connect "build-a-figure" For Ares God of War.... He is amazing! and was worth getting the whole set for.

Thanks again for the support!!


That is great you are still going! Any luck in finding a mentor or others to reach out to in regards to this kind of creative form?

I am barely keeping it on the tracks right now as is. haha would be nice though.

Sometime you just have to take a couple steps back and find a new path forward.

It’s not defeat till you give up the fight entirely. Often times we find ourselves needing to put things on the back burner. That is not always a bad thing as while its back there we often have inspirations that keep it from going complete cold. It empowers one to keep moving forward in life looking for opportunity to advance and bring it back to the foreground.

Other times other priorities come up in life and one has to give up that pursuit. It’s very hard to know when you are at the edge of success or about to fall off a cliff. In life it is often best to have as few regrets as possible while still being able to live with the decisions you made in it.

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