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RE: Our Kushtia Polytechnic Institute

in #photo6 years ago

Hi @ohimahathir,

If Any Who is Rep >=40 = 1.65 Steem send to your account (That I see in Chat)

Use my link and if I see your name in my Chat I will give back so you get >125%

My offer is legitimate, if you already installed the wallet it may not work, but you can uninstall and reinstall using my link.


If I use your ref what is my profit?

100% of all the liquid referral that I get, which in your case you get $10, I get 25% which is $2.50, so I send you 1.65-1.75 Steem depending on the price when I transfer it over.

I do it but I can not get anything.
Now your steem username is attested. This message send me.

I also don't see anything from your rep40 attestation, means 2 things:

  • 1 your account already attested before (you can only payout 1 time per steem, future attestation no more payout)
  • you are doing on same device that another Steem account attested (the Steem bot will not pay out on same device only 1 Device 1 Steem account, and all other Steem account attested on same device get zero payout)

If you have another Steem account not attested you can try again, but use another PC, or phone you never used before. When there is zero payout, referrals also get zero.

Hope this information helps.

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