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RE: Industrial Conditions 🌀 Formidable Strength

in #photo6 years ago

Everything is great thanks! I just need to take a break from too much internet lately. I want to achieve some personal goals, so I need to find a better balance...

I hope you are doing very good too, and will have a shabbat shalom in case I don't speak with you before then...



Great buddy, I'm so happy to know!
i have to take some break for the internet too, i was too much near the pc in the last time
but too hot outside haha its an excuse not to go outside
great Shabbat shalom and alll the blessing to you
keep doing !

It feels good to take a break some times.
Shabbat shalom and stay cool!

shabat shalom my dear brother

בשמחה רבה!
אתה כותב טוב בעברית??
או ככה ככה?


Not at all, but I'm making progress! B'Ez"H, eventually...

lol yeah, very nice good for you!
i have same problem with English i need more practice i was bad student lol

Thanks :) And it sounds like you're doing great to me!

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