Hello my new found cyber friends! Peace on Earth

in #photo8 years ago

My name is Cyd and I am from Idaho city of Coeur d'Alen
I am 60 and retired, but active in social media and local organization.
I am from Iran and moved here 40 years ago. When I arrived here I fell in love with the counrty and its people. everything looked new to me. it was wonderful discovery and I knew I can be anything I set my mine to be. One of the things I wanted to was to see all 50 states, but was broke so, I set myself agoal to see all 50 states after retiring at age of 55. that is ecactly what I did. now I am travelig and I would liketo shae my experice and stories with my friends and those who will be my friend in the future.
I believe everything in live comes from doing. so inorder to do it, one must think about and talk about, if you do these three things, thinking talking and doing, you will be maze what is possible. I belive in this lifeeverything is possible.
I hope you enjoy my pictures. Love and peace20141209_160008.jpg

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