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RE: What is Freedom of Speech?

in #philosphy6 years ago (edited)

Exactly what I'm talking about. I task people based on their behaviour. Ccolor, race, culture or religion has nothing to do with how I see some people. Their behaviour sells the negative about them. Try being a white man/ woman in South Africa where the government has not been able to do anything in 24 years, but rob the country dry and have to keep on putting all the prices up to get more money to steal and when the hand full of whites and Indians started making a noise about it the president and some other politicians started singing raley songs of killing whites. What happened, the rate of brutal butchering of whites in South Africa started spiking and is escalating at an alarming rate. Apparently even people that were too young to have voted for the previous government is to blame for the lack of progress in the last 24 years.

Here to black people kill each other very violently and not a word, shoot one out of 8 armed men who enter your home intending on raping your wife while you watch, boiling your children alive and then chopping you up with a machete and all hell breaks loose.

Now these are the things that brought me to where I am today. Liberalism, leftism, rightism and and and out! Political correctness and the race card, out! Silencing and favouring one above the other, out!

Treat me the way you want to be treated, respect me my culture my religion and my values to the extent you wish me to do for you. Not prepared to, fuck off or deal with the consequences.

Oh and by the way, for those who fuck up their own countries and then go ask someone else for help and when they let you in you expect them to change their way of life to suit you while you demand they work their asses off so you can have free stuff, you are a parasite. Nothing is free, someone is paying and if it is not you then you are a problem and should be sent back to where you came from till you can learn what civilized and productive progress is all about.
