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RE: The Kybalion: How to Think About Spiritual Principles vs. What to Think About Them...

This is what I need to hear. Thank you very much for the fantastic feedback.

Yes, as of now my stamps are store bought. Right now my art is more conceptual than demonstrating technical skill. I have only shown one of my rubber stamp pieces on here, there are a lot more profound pieces with higher order complexity that to me the concept overpowered the cheesiness of using store-bought. That being said, I do value originality and I intend on expanding towards creating my own rubber stamps. Hearing this point from you has catalyzed me towards getting there sooner than anticipated.


I would be very happy to help you out in any way I can... If I am hearing you correctly, I understand the dilemma of over-conceptualizing but I think that one piece you were giving away with the pink border seems less conceptualized and more from the RIGHT BRAIN albeit doodley which is what may be making you think it is undervalue-able - NO!!! the RIGHT BRAIN is where the good stuff is - so the sooner you can get out of your left brain and just start doodling the happier you will be. Being as you are in California - you might - if you can afford it - go take a class from Michelle Casseaou - she lives in NORTHERN CA but she does some workshops at Esalen, etc and that might help to free you up and get you connected into the RIGHT BRAIN - or her ex husband stewart cubbley - - I say this because I took a class from one of their students back in 1989 and it changed everything for me - I was in New york at the time... so that lady is in the Berkshires - anyway it helped me tap into the full on flow of my right brain art - and get out of my head. Now I can just use my head later to figure out what the Unconscious God Spirit had to tell me through the art- I have been doing this since 89... anyway - they will just help you tap what you already have going - just a thought - anyway like I said, I will be happy to help - :)

Thanks for all of your wonderful advice!!! I love Big Sur but have never been.

well, if you get a chance I would highly recommend attending one of their workshops only because for me it was just what I needed and I really haven't done anything since then accept my own thing - this is the lady I did it with - I will stop harping on this now - because even if you don't do this - you can still gain confidence in your work just following YOUR path - but for me at the time I did - I was blocked - and I got unleashed when I did that workshop - in 1989, but whatever- I don't mean to sound like a total religious fanatic for this workshop - sorry :) but please - in the meantime if you need feedback or anything - please feel free to contact me and I will try to help you - I have been an artist for about 50 years now - I teach intuitive painting myself - now and then - and I still use that method. Now I am using art to teach myself things - I became psychic by doing this type of art - and now I am teaching myself alchemy and the tarot by copying imagesfrom that time period. Blessings to you!

Thank you for your kindness. I'll be taking you up on it . <3

Great advice, I get a too stuck in my head a lot of the time too and tend to over analyse everything. Getting out of my own way can be a challenge at times.

I totally GET IT. It was not until I had done a LOT of spiritual work and started living according to Natural Law that my head would quiet down enough for me to hear the silence. As it turned out, I had lied a lot, stolen, cheated, broken my word, and I needed to make reparations for that - now I have silence upstairs, gratefully.

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