Some thoughts about ego's connection to our pain and how we can help ourselves.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Instead of the post-physical death "heaven" and "hell" as exoteric Christianity asks people to believe in, what if every positive loving desire that you have makes life a bit more heavenly for you, while every egotistical desire that you have makes life a bit more hellish for you? The difference between "heaven" and "hell" are just differing feeling states. They are just the antitheses of each other. We don't want to be somewhere we are going to be in pain, anxious and fearful. We do want to be somewhere we can love and be loved, relax, feel safe and enjoy life without fear.

We are always encouraged to look elsewhere for our problems. "It was my parents." "It was the tories." "It was my ex." "It was my school." "It was the media." "It was capitalism." "It was patriarchy." or whatever other. It wasn't. If you accept that things which you have no control over at all will always be able to radically affect your long-term emotional welbeing then you remove your own power voluntarily, and fall into a permanent state of helplessness and victimhood. You are a victim only to yourself. External factors can be genuine triggers for your pain, but the pain only manifested because it was created by your own mind as a direct result of these external stimuli. For clarity, i am not excusing any violation of others' rights whatsoever.

Just like any other complicated machine, we have processes. When certain 'buttons' are pushed, certain reactions materialise, and in an emotional sense these can be anxiety, depression, anger, arrogance, selfishness, frustration and all negative emotional reactions. But we can rewire ourselves. We can rewrite our code. We can change our desires. We can take control of this incredible machine with which we are entrusted, and put it to the use that it was meant for, which is to love. Our machine malfunctions when we use it for purposes other than what it was made for. Pain is a indication of misuse and hence malfunction. If the ego is ever able to dominate our thoughts, feelings and actions, it prevents us loving others and loving ourselves.

The beautiful irony of the universe is that we will get everything we could ever want by no longer thinking, feeling and acting for ourselves alone. There is no cheating this though. You cannot cheat the spiritual world. If the key doesn't fit you're not getting in, and that key is the your energy signature and it includes the information within as to just just how far you have got in defeating your egotistical desires. The more we can transform ourselves from egotistical to altruistic, the further our key will take us into the light and the infinite pleasure contained within. We've all been given these incredible quantum machines but most people have no idea what they are and what they can do with them. If you've never felt anything like i am describing, try adjusting your machine. Lots of love to you all <3

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