We Have Empathy... But Only for Something That is Good.

in #philosophy7 years ago

We all have empathy for people who have cancer, especially if they are kids. We all wish that all the victims of random shootings could have avoided those tragic events. We don't hesitate to cry for a dying animal, especially if it is some beloved and beautiful dog. We, people, have empathy. We don't want others to get hurt. And yet, our empathy has limits.

When was the last time you felt sorry for Ted Bundy, though? When was the last time you actually thought that he was also a victim of some tragic events which led him to become evil? When was the last time you imagined being him and understanding that there is nothing but struggle and pain in life? Nope, we don't do these things. Why? Well, for starters, Ted Bundy was a freaking evil person who hurt many innocent women. And yet, shouldn't we be empathic towards him? I mean, I bet that he would have chosen to commit those crimes if it was not for his uncontrollable desire and corrupted soul.

But try to tell someone that you feel sorry for Ted Bundy and you will instantly become an evil rapist and creep in most people's eyes. And those same people will go on to tell you how they respect everyone and how everyone should live happily... only after we destroy and demolish all those freaks who try to hurt others. Because... screw empathy for evil things. Oh, and those same people are the ones who cheat on their beloved ones, steal, lie, and do all other bad things.

So, are we empathic creatures? Or are we just pretending to be empathic to justify our goodness and beautiful souls? So, what about Ted Bundy? Can you feel sorry for him? Or can you only feel disgust and hate towards him?

P.S. I feel that I have to say that I don't approve of Ted Bundy nor any of his actions. I feel that he had to be locked up and probably even earlier. However, I don't see the point of hating him. I mean, do we hate a lion when it kills an innocent antelope?

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