Cultural Habits: How I Suddenly Don't Want To Share My Ideas With The World

in #philosophy7 years ago

I am in Lithuania for almost a year now and things are moving steadily but very slowly. I am feeling less and less creative every day. It's like nothing ever happens in my life at the moment and things are just too calm. That is good, don't get me wrong. But I still need some experiences. I still want to live in the moment when I feel the urge to share my thoughts with the world. And that is not happening at the moment. I blame Lithuanian culture for that, though. Yup, one of the things about Lithuanians is that they are extremely private and tend not to care about other people business. If Lithuania was a character from Parks and Recreation, it would definitely be Ron. So go figure how easy it is to stay creative and open in the environment full of Rons.

And lately, I caught myself thinking that I don't want to tell certain things to the world. I don't want people to know my certain emotions. And that is strange. I remember that I shared it all with people while on the road. I shared my emotions, bad experiences, and fears. I was good at it (or at least my friends told me that...). I even shared my poetry with the world, not giving a damn that it sucked big time and the majority of people literally hated it. I did not give a shit. I still don't... but I do somehow. It is like I am stuck in this cultural aura and I cannot do a thing about it until I leave and start traveling again.

We are too weak to face the social bubble on our own. That is why the best thing to do is to change the environment we are living in.

I know that the moment I step out of Lithuania and start writing about travels again, I will see a huge boost in my creativity. At least I hope so. Until then, I'll just keep trading cryptocurrency to completely destroy my finances so that I would need to starve while traveling. You know, just like a pro gamer doesn't play in easy mode, I don't travel in easy mode as well.


Take a deep breath and just work hard to observe everything around you. The creativity will come. Your brain will be working in the background to turn your observations into creativity.

Yup, that it an amazing advise! I try to do that occasionally, but with my energy being used for some other stuff right now, I don't think I can create anything of great value just yet. Gladly, that was the plan all along, to fix other stuff and dedicate all my time to traveling and writing. So far so good. Just need to buy that one way ticket now haha

Don't we all sometimes let ourselves go into deep waters. I guess it is in a way refreshing, since from there you can only go up! Nenukabink nosies!

I don't feel like I am somewhere at the bottom, tho. I am just using my energy for other things so my creativity suffers in short-term. And that is fine because I know when and how to restore the balance when the time is right! Thanks for the nice words man!

Exactly what I mean. Not the bottom but some sort of hibernation mode for ur creativity. I guess we are all waiting for it now!

That is heavy man. I find that I have trouble sharing and creating after I have alot of face to face conversations with people that are negative. For some reason it makes me want to come home, shut the door, and not even post. Like the creative juices froze. Great post...perhaps it is time you hit the road! 🙃

I have no doubt that it is time to hit the road! I just need to finish some stuff here first because you know... it is not only about fun in life haha. Yeah, negative people can drain energy. However, I think I spent most of my energy working to get some money and I am doing fine so far, so this temporary lack of creativity will come back with an extra boost when I hit the road. Hopefully.

I sometimes feel the same thing. I had been feeling down lately and i do not want to share aything. By down I meant I do not want to share my stories. I just find this normal too because I know for a fact I am introvert. Aside from that, I really am very prone to depression. In moments like that, like what you shared, i step outside my comfort zone too and meet new people.

Yeah, changing the environment helps a lot. I don't feel sad, though. In contrary, I am super happy at the moment. It's just that I cannot create when I am surrounded by the same people and do the same stuff all the time. Gladly, I know how to change that haha

I am so happy for you! =)

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