Calm as the Morning Breeze: What's the Point of Rushing Your Life?

in #philosophy7 years ago

I see so many people being constantly unhappy with their current situation and always wanting more. I see them pushing themselves 'to the limits.' It is what cool and successful kids do these days, isn't it? Well, I don't get it.

I am aware that being lazy is no good. I am aware that we must keep working toward our goals. But what's the point of rushing everything? What is the point of not being happy with what you have at the moment? I mean, you'll never be happy if you are not happy now.

Not so long ago, I felt the urge to travel for a long time and far away.When I sat down, did some thinking and asked myself: why do I need it so much? Why does this need keep me from being calm and happy with my current place? How stupid am I to not enjoy my well-being and only dream about traveling? I understood that there was no point. And the urge to travel was gone. I was happy again.

And it does not mean that I won't spread my wings soon. It only means that no matter what will happen, I'll stay satisfied and calm. It means that I will not push my life to the edge because I know that you cannot do that without a clear reason. I won't try to do much just for the sake of doing much. Every morning I wake up whenever I want, grab a cup of tea and watch how wind talks to the trees through my window. I just sit and enjoy the view. What else could I ask for?


This is what I think: I think that we should push ourselves past our limits, but we should be happy, and proud on what we have accomplished, and use that motivation to further create, build, and stretch past our limits. And yes every now and then taking a break is great! And I'm pretty sure good for you. I think we should not let "Life Happen" And be proactive. Living the best life you can, cause you only have one. And time is limited. Anyways that is just what I think.

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