Be Lazy. Do Nothing. And Enjoy It.

in #philosophy7 years ago

People are always thinking about their meaningless problems and shitty issues which nobody else cares about.

"What if I will wear this and not that?"
"I am going to be late 5 minutes, I am probably getting fired."
"I need more money to buy random stuff."
"What will I eat today, pizza or sushi?"
"Will I eat today?" (well this one is actually a serious problem)
"I have to work work work because otherwise, I don't have anything else to do."
"I have to wake up 10 minutes earlier today."
"I have this important presentation and I am stressed." - nobody will ever give a damn about that presentation and will forget it in less than 10 seconds. Even if it is about the destruction of the world.

And that's how we get stressed all the time. That makes us move all the time and live with an idea of being constantly late/too short/too weak/unsatisfied. And life goes on and nothing changes. We die rushing to solve every single little problem and never stopping to enjoy the beauty of laziness and nothingness.

That is why I am lazy. I know that everything I do now does not matter. Nobody gives a shit about it. Of course, I might earn an extra dollar or a smile if I keep being that robot who never stops, but I don't need that. I want to be lazy. I want to be able to just go for a nap if I feel like napping and go for a walk if I feel like walking. I don't want to be that "I don't have time" type of person. Those people suck.

But there is a little twist - to be a happy lazy person you have to know exactly what you want from your life and sometimes work on that goal. You don't have to care about all the little details but you must take care of the bigger picture. Otherwise, the sanity inside will tear you apart and make you miserable. And you know what? Those people who keep on doing everything all the time are just running from their sanity. They just don't want to face the fact that they might be clueless and lost.

So, figure out what you want from life and then become lazy. Do nothing. And enjoy it.


Really good advice @writingamigo. Laziness is in the eye of the beholder. :) But you do have to have some purpose as you say, to keep you sane. :)

Great post mate. Hope your day is going well!

I want to become lazy. but I can't. Thousands of responsibilities, family, work, child....Oh!! I could think like you!

Well, your profile says "I am lover for freedom" so just be free :D If you manage to make all the tasks, you can spend the rest of the time being lazy.

There is nothing like pouring a glass of whisky, taking that glass of whisky and just sitting on the porch for hours looking at nothing particular. Being lazy and drinking some damn fine whisky. Life is good.

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