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RE: Canon of 400 - The Sun & Moon Size to Distance Ratio

in #philosophy7 years ago

Please explain why the sun & moon have irregular orbits "above" the Earth. Why does the moon have phases? What are asteroids & why do we have them? What are the planets and stars & why do we have them? What causes the tides if gravity doesn't exist? Do you believe man has discovered the laws of physics? Is physics a hoax? What about math? Is math a conspiracy and doesn't really exist? Do you not see how ridiculous your theory is when faced with criticism? Can you explain how the sun generates heat? How a lunar eclipse happens? What about GPS? Let me guess it's a hoax that your GPS can find you in the middle of nowhere with no connection to anything other than this "hoax" satellite that transmits real data I can really use. It's all a hoax because it doesn't fit your model. Sorry but your wrong and the earth is a sphere that rotates and orbits the sun. Just because science figured some stuff out doesn't mean they know everything. Like I think believing we came from chance is also foolish but that's what school taught me. Difference is believing we came from chance is still a theory without evidence. The Earth being a sphere has evidence but the Earth coming from a cloud of dust and gas billions of years ago has no real evidence. So science is good & true but depending on the data and the interpretation. Just because we discovered we are but a pinpoint in the universe we also know Earth is special and may be the only place like this in the whole universe. So what I'm saying is flat earth is not true because the "evidence" doesn't exist. But jut because the earth a sphere and orbits the sun does not make this place any less special. We live on a cosmic lottery ticket that hit big time but I don't believe it was chance I believe we are here because of somethings will for us to be here. Destiny is real and life is weird and filled with mystery but the flat earth shit I'll never ride with it's complete non sense. God is so great he doesn't need to make things according to the flat earth model to exist. Just wait till mainstream science starts proving his existence...


First of all, is not my theory, is the reality conception of the majority of ancient world and now many people are researching it...
I am not the right one to answer you all this question because i need to explain so much things to answer all this doubts you have, but
all the questions you ask to me are very answered in many videos, is not only Eric Dubay, ODD reality or Jeranism, there are a lot people in youtube explaining very detailed all this things, think about that, Why so many people are studying this? Why even are a debate on internet or in tv? Why are a International Flat earth conference on North Dakota USA in a few days? I can say that all this are very well researched by many people, you need to watch, no only one video on youtube, you must to watch various videos, of both sides, and read various texts to understand how both model works in deep, also to understand how and why the heliocentric model or evolution theory or vacuum space or astronauts are hoaxes, also you really must to understand that very few people control everything in this world (including science, religion, medicine, food), you can search one by one your doubts in google and watch different points of view.
I don't want to convince you, i don't care if you don't want to research or put any effort to understand anything, and i sorry about spamming, i just read your post and wanted to share what i was learning about this new way to perceive reality and life. But i only feel you are angry with me and i sorry if i make you uncomfortable with my way to think about things, i just want to help people to see beyond what the school say, beyond the system that is inculcated in our society.
This is a very complex subject and it need dedication and an open mind and heart, so, please do whatever you want, but be happy. Blessings for you!

Now that reply I can respect. You are completely entitled to your beliefs and the only problem I really had with you was the spam. I have done my research and I agree that the current model has holes in it but to me flat earth is like believing in bigfoot. Do you believe in Bigfoot just because there are people who believe it exists and search for it? We could debate for hours on this topic but I believe in the heliocentric model based on mathematics. The idea it was done by random chance is what I contest is not true but I believe we have been to space and to the Moon. The problem is when they tell you it was done by chance and make you believe in the cynical world view of survival of the fittest. Humans are special in many regards and seeing us as only intelligent apes actually hurts us. I believe the bankers are controlling us and trying to enslave us. I believe in a lot of things that aren't mainstream just flat earth is not one of them. I believe the universe was created the way it was to display the greatness of the creator. Scientists in my eyes are only discovering the ways in which God works not proving that he doesn't exist. So I believe God totally can exist within the heliocentric model and actually fits quite nicely. Science is finding their model doesn't work but I can't agree that the right model is flat earth. I think the right model is heliocentric but the universe has mysteries we can't even begin to describe. Flat earth and physics don't mix and I believe in physics, sorry bud. Take care tho don't stop asking questions...

The worst thing we can do as humans is fight each other, thanks for share your way of thinking! have a good life! send you a hug!

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