Being in the moment

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

This is one thing we humans don't know the value of. 

Having all these smartphones and other devices doesn't help the situation we are in either. 

At this moment, instead of living in it, we are living either in our predicted happiness of future or the memories of the past, not knowing that we are completely forgetting to live our life the way we are meant to. 

We are not even close to our human potential, what we are capable of if we all live in the present moment. 

When you think deeply about it, there's no past or future but all created by us in the mind. It was always present and will always be present. Past is a memory in our brain. Future is a creation of our brain. 

Even if we have to live our future, it has to become present for us to live it. Does this indicate that there's no such thing as future? 

Time is something created by us and because of this thing called time, we get late for things. 

Think of how peaceful our life would be if there was nothing called time, no such things as past or future and we all would live completely in the present and give our full attention to it. 

I am one guy who has always been living in the past or future and now that I'm coming to the realization of these things, am slowly changing the patterns of my mind. 

It may not make a difference at this point, but, in the long run, when I'm on my death bed, it will definitely make me say "Man, that was such a ride!" instead of  "I should've lived more in the present, should've loved people more or done this or that".  

Try to ponder on this one and make your own conclusions!

Also, do share them in the comments. :D



Some people say that we live in the information age. We have the world at our fingertips, literally. Everything we need to know we can access through our smartphones. The other day my sister asked me, "Do you know anyone that doesn't own a mobile phone?" I could not think of one single person.

Then I started to think about it a little more. With everyone with access to a mobile phone and now that most people have data, a new problem arises. As with most technology, we don't always see all the pros and cons immediately. One con that I cannot ignore any longer is that we live in an age of distraction.

Attention spans are at an all-time low and moments when people could be stopping to smell the roses, they don't. They don't even know those rose's exist. They don't see them because all their attention is aimed at a little screen they are carrying in their hand.

In my opinion we need to take vacations from our mobile devices. We need to stop and relearn how to be in the moment. We need to realize that real life can be far more validating than that text you just received or that youtube video you are watching in place of it.

That's so true @bitkat.
We got to stop keeping ourselves distracted from our life's problems and face them.
That's when we feel alive!
We have been mostly using these devices as a distraction than using it for productivity.
Just imagine the device we carry in our pocket has so much potential and we are using just like some 5% potential of it? It's like a pocket supercomputer.

Totally agree with you on this one. There is so much to see in this world but we are looking at our phones..

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