Quarantine life

in #philosophy4 years ago

As the days secluded in quarantine go by, it becomes more evident, at least to me, that the human was not born to lead such a life, locked in these prisons that we built to protect ourselves, and that we have sacrificed much because of the oversized fear of dying and the longing to continue living.

Some say we can stay like this for years, which is an estimate I don't adhere to, but statements like this make me wonder; how much are we willing to sacrifice in ourselves simply to continue living?

It is already clear that many people are willing to sacrifice most civil and political liberties at the cost of living longer, liberties that must have been earned, many times, by sacrificing life and from which we can now so easily detach ourselves.

We have also sacrificed much of our social life, despite the fact that we are social animals, and we have also, to a large extent, sacrificed our individuality, completely forgetting about desires, goals, and objectives, which can easily lead us to conformity. It is as if the world is in a long pause in which everything remains the same but time continues to pass after all, and we seem trapped at a specific moment, unable to change, unable to leave, at least not so easily.

This makes me wonder if it makes sense to make so many sacrifices to ultimately end up living like this. At some point we can make life so gray and monotonous until we ask ourselves if this is what we are fighting to maintain. I am not saying that we are at that point already, but it is what we could address in case of extending the measures longer and making this semi-permanent.

And all of this is caused by fear, not by the real chances of dying, but by uncontrolled fear in people's minds. And by governments, of course, that take advantage of people's fear to implement their expansionary measures.

Fear can reduce people only to their animal part, making all that matters is survival and physical security, leaving aside everything that makes us human, like our social and rational part. It is important to know that there are things more important than survival, and that they cannot be sacrificed simply to live. In this category I put the values, maybe someone put something else. Because not just any life is worth living, but only the good life, and that is the life lived with all those things that we are not willing to sacrifice, even if death awaits us.

Let's hope that we don't have to sacrifice much more and that soon we can return to live our lives normally.

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