video: How Can Good People Triumph? (Odysee+Bitchute Exclusive)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy3 years ago

In our previous recording we discussed the current rise of evil around the world, a sobering message that needs to be understood. Today's message is a continuation of that, but from the perspective of what we can do about it. Let us talk about our path of triumph...


We know that humans have had cultural philosophies and religions since the beginning of written history. We were able to organize and grow through these shared ideas. From Confucianism to Christianity, Mithraism to Jainism. Taoism, Norse Paganism and Greek Legends.

Many religions imagine there to be a great creator God. For others like Buddhism and Jainism, there is no such doctrine. Whether there exists a God or not is a subject for another time.

Today we are recognizing the common thread that all of these Religions and Philosophical doctrines must share, and why. All of these doctrines are types of memes. According to
A meme is any unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

A doctrine such as a Religion is a packaged collection of interconnected memes, and they are passed from one generation to the next. But why? They only exist in people's minds. Certainly many stories are passed from one generation to the next, but what is the importance and power of these packaged doctrines? For they are extremely important.

These doctrines hold the keys to survival and flourishing for our species. The value within them is more important than any other story ever told. It is in fact, the difference between life and death.

Religions and philosophical doctrines have provided rules, lessons, and structure to us throughout time, so that we could organize our tribes and society; and not randomly kill one another over scarce resources. Common themes arise in every doctrine, such as respect for elders, respect for life, respect for one another's property. Essentially, that we could achieve greater survival by acting as a cooperative group, rather than strongest man take all.

And without some common cultural doctrine, how would a tribe or society prosper? Well the proof of that is in lack of existence; for when we take a look at history, there is no great people or society that ever existed in absence of a common Religion or Philosophical doctrine.

And in fact, not all doctrines are equal. Some provided for greater prosperity and survival than others. Any small tribes or peoples that did not have a strong religion or philosophy, often would become overtaken by another group of humans that did. And sometimes violently. Endless blood has shed in religious battles and wars throughout history. We aren't saying it's right. Again we're just acknowledging that these doctrines are the difference between life and death, and some are superior to others.

There are those Religions which have claimed to be ultimate Truth (with a capital T), but such claim of ultimate Truth is indeed false, especially when that doctrine makes wild claims of impossible events. Most of us already know of some impossible Religious claims, such as resurrection of the dead, communication with the dead, or the claim of living humans being ascended into some heavenly realm. These are lies, they're fiction. They are fiction told by doctrines which claim to bear ultimate Truth.

Regardless, we aren't here to dwell on that today. Most every popular doctrine is riddled with some fiction. The important concept to take away is that, truthful or not, a doctrine only ever had any value if it provided for the survival advantage of it's people.

So why is this understanding important? It's important because at such time that a doctrine ceases to most greatly provide for the survival of it's people, then it is ripe to be abandoned, and it will be abandoned in spite of all it's claims to ultimate Truth.

There are countless abandoned Religions and Philosophies throughout history, and very few currently practiced. Those inferior doctrines would die away with the death or conquer of their people. And those superior doctrines would replace them.

"We can achieve a better understanding of the world when we recognize that we only exist for a small slice of history squeezed between the past and the future" - VidarReturns

When we look at today's currently most popular doctrines, we can ask ourselves how well are they providing for their people?

For decades, Christianity in particular has had followers abandoning it in droves around the world. And most not replacing it with anything.

Looking at the USA alone, according to Pew Research, in the 10 years between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of adults who identify as Christian decreased by over 10%. That's a reduction of +30 million followers. While during the same time period, the number of "religiously unaffiliated" people increase by nearly the same 10%.

Some of these religiously unaffiliated people may now claim to be Secular Humanists, but that is not a doctrine of knowledge or survival. It's simply a soft form of Marxism with submission to Government authorities.

Christianity is exceptional in how powerfully and rapidly it is losing followers, but we can expect the same for other doctrines in time. Most other doctrines have already begun decline and suffering around the world, Eastern and Western. But what about Islam, isn't it still growing? In fact yes, raw Islam numbers are still growing, but this is because of birth rates. And according to Hoover Institution, in just the last 20 years Muslim birth rates have dropped in half and this trend is expected to continue. Without high birth rates, Islam is dead in the water, because quite frankly, it doesn't spread well. It isn't exactly very friendly, and almost no one converts to Islam.

Islam forbidding the creation and listening of music doesn't make a lot of sense. Forbidding looking at the naked body of a dead person doesn't make a lot of sense. And Killing someone for drawing a picture of Muhammad doesn't a lot of sense.

But we are being too hard on Islam here, because in truth, all major doctrines around the world suffer from strange and bizarre artifacts that don't make any sense our current world. And it's because these doctrines were written for a world from thousands of years ago, by a people with extremely limited access to information.

For the primitive time that these doctrines were written, they were incredibly intelligent. Don't murder, don't steal, don't lie, honor your mother and father. Every major religion contains all the mandatory ingredients for creating a massive, powerful, and cohesive society. They hit all the right combination keys, and the ability of survival and prosperity was unlocked for their people.

So before continuing on, we must give great respect to all of them. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and more. Where hundreds or thousands of others have failed and let their people down, these few have withstood a great test of time.

And so after thousands of years, growth and popularity, why are things now changing? There 2 major factors that the ancients could not have planned for. The first is mass information, and second, mass technology.

With mass information, people aren't ignorant and illiterate like they used to be. We have hard science and statistics now. This means those doctrines which claimed ultimate Truth are now having a big bright light shined on all their fictional stories. People who grew up believing such fiction stories are now seeing that they've been lied to. And many of those people stop believing and become angry and bitter that they were lied to, and they seek to teach others about the false stories in these doctrine. Causing ever more people to follow suit.

So people abandon the doctrine, and they despise it and mock it, without ever fully appreciating that which provided for the life and survival of their ancestors. For without any doctrine, their ancestors certainly would have died, and they themselves would not exist.

As for mass technology, it has worked to create pleasurable and comfortable spaces farther and farther away from nature. The ancients could have never imagined that we would discover ways to make our lives so disconnected from the natural world, and so dependent on advanced technology to exist. There are people who would die today without regularly consuming manufactured pharmaceuticals. There are infants and newborns who would die without advanced medical procedures. Many people have no longer have any idea how to produce their own food. How many of us could disappear into the wild by ourselves for 1 month with no supplies and come back alive? We should all be able to.

The more foundationally dependent a people are on technology, the more susceptible they are to be enslaved or die in the absence of technology. Essentially modern humans are becoming enslaved to technology, and those who control that technology. What can we expect at such time in the future when there is a great technological reset? Whether on purpose or on accident, those in control don't have to take away all technology to kill someone. They only have to take away that one technology required to live. That could be someone's medication, or insulin, or public water.

Doctrines of old could not anticipate a distant future of such danger for their people, but we should not disparage them for this lack of foresight. They lived in times of low knowledge, and it's incredible how much they were able to correctly understand. We owe respect to all great Religions and Philosophies of old, for they made the survival and growth of our ancestors possible. While simultaneously we must recognize that we've reached a new era. A time for a new awakening.

In regards to our previous recording, we discussed how Evil is growing in the world. It may have been a difficult message for many to hear, but we can't plan for the future if we live in denial of today. When we see the decline of old doctrines, and how they weren't prepared for our modern era, then it's easier to understand why the world is becoming corrupted. Once someone has abandoned an old doctrine, they generally do not ever go back.

We must be cognizant of things we can control and things we cannot control. Our spheres of influence. We don't have much control over who runs our Countries, but we can control ourselves, and we do have influence in the lives of the people close to us.

If we care about our future, and our survival, and our family, and our children, then we must be intelligent and adapt. Having no doctrine at all will surely be our death. Those that adhere to religions of old are becoming further enslaved with every generation and are completely oblivious to what's happening.

We must adopt a doctrine for the future. The Principle's of Vidar is a doctrine for the survival of people in the future to come. We must retain all the important values of our ancestors, add new important values, and drop a giant amount of unnecessary baggage. Understanding of science and logic are priority principle's.

The First Principle's of Vidar have been in development for years, and are nearing completion. We don't claim to be perfect. No doctrine has ever been perfect, and perfection is not the goal. The goal is to provide the greatest ability for our people to grow and survive, in health and with nature.

We are sympathetic to doctrines of old, and we should cooperate with them and their communities when possible. Christians, Buddhists, or whoever. By working together, we can grow stronger than working alone. Doctrines of old still have many positive values.

We do not extend community with new age doctrines of love, humanism or equality. These people are corrupted hedonists, and their ignorant actions promote degeneracy, the destruction of humans, and the destruction of future generations.

In conclusion, the future of great technological dependence is coming. Dependence on purified food. Dependence on purified water. Dependence on purified air. Dependence on countless pharmaceutical drugs and injections. And when the day comes- that day of the great technological collapse, massive populations of humans will perish. The high life of comfort and dependence can disappear in an instant.

Meanwhile our good people will not be enslaved, and our people will not suffer great loss. Our path to triumph is through remaining disciplined and connected to nature, and the evolution of the Earth. Let us have superior children who are also connected to the Earth, and promote the best of our people into the future.

Just as our ancestors that came before us, this is our Life Purpose, our duty to those that come after us. Those people who neglect this, will be erased from existence.

We send out love and to all our brothers and sisters. Stay blessed.


Video: 100 Years Beyond Covid:
Exploring the future direction of modern society, and the last days before our next civilization collapse.

ODYSEE INVITE LINK$/invite/@vidarreturns


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