"Believe Science" The Deception Of Blue Pill ZombiessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy3 years ago

What does it mean when Blue Pill Zombies say, "Believe Science", and what is implied? Who is really against science? Today we talk about projection and manipulation tactics used to bend the minds of the weak.


In social media, the whole "Believe Science" crowd has subsided significantly, and this recording isn't an attempt to discredit them, as they do a well enough job of discrediting themselves. But we should reflect on their tactics and how they mean to influence people who lack in critical thinking skills.

We call these people Blue Pill Zombies, because they aren't critical thinkers, and they badly want to pass on their brain infection onto others. Most of them aren't relevant individually, but as a mob they become more of a threat. They are only relevant as a group. They are non-critical thinkers who attempt to press the proganda they've been fed onto others.

There does exist a small minority of people that are actually against science, but that's not who these Zombies are addressing. They are addressing us. We people who don't blindly swallow the mainstream narrative.

They digest the mainstream narrative, and they accept it with little to no question. This is what infects their brain as Zombies. Their lack of resistance to mainstream influence.

They get this narrative from prevailing Authorities. And this is the first phase of the Zombies. When they say "Believe Science", they actually mean "Believe Authorities, and without question".

Their brain readily becomes controlled by Blue Pill talking heads in positions of power. Their thinking then becomes distorted, and becomes difficult or impossible to view the world in an unbiased way, or doubt the information they've been fed. They are taken over because the Zombies were never strong at critical thinking to begin with, so it was easy for some Authority or Politician they look up to to control their mind.

Their slogan could just as well be "Believe Truth". And you ask them, what makes it True? And their answer, because the Authorities said it was true. Why would you doubt the Authorities?

The Authorities told us that the Earth was the center of the universe for hundreds of years.

When they say "Believe Science", a critical thinker should hear them saying, "Believe Authorities, and without question". Because it's not science. The Zombies don't do science. And believing things without question is actually the complete opposite of science. Science is about always questioning, doubting, and testing things. A scientist should even question long held beliefs that most people take for granted to be true.

So this is the second phase of the Zombies. False projection of opposition. They project the rejection of Science onto others, while actually not following or even understanding the principle's of science themselves.

After this, we go a bit deeper to the underlying meaning of the concept "Believe Science", as the results of science are regarded as a near accurate representation of truth and reality. So in their Zombie infected minds, they genuinely think they believe what is True. This brings up another failure of the non-critical mind, because not all sciences are equal.

There are the hard sciences. Hard Sciences are like a rock. They are very solid, and once confirmed can generally be built upon to form greater knowledge. Examples of hard sciences are chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Hard sciences can be firmly and exactly measured. The results of a hard science strictly adheres to the scientific method and can replicated. When properly applied and replicated, hard sciences work well towards bringing us closer to Truth.

And then there are soft sciences. Soft sciences are like sand. Similar materials as the rock, but tends to be terrible for building upon. Examples of soft sciences are psychology, economics, political science, and sociology. Soft sciences often have results that are not reproducible and not falsifiable. They do not have rigorous testing methods, and the results are almost always subject to interpretation.

Soft sciences have the possibility of bringing us closer to Truth, but they can just as easily bring us farther from Truth. Those who practice Soft sciences can actually obtain whatever biased results they want by only evaluating the characteristics conducive to their desired outcome. The problem isn't just that soft sciences subject to interpretation, but the field is literally riddled with bias. When was the last time you've known an economics professor could predict anything about the economy?

Right now there are many social scientists trying to answer the question, "Is mass wearing of face masks in public effective at preventing spread of contagious viruses?".

They are receiving multitudes of grants and university funds to try to answer this question. But let's assume that the answer comes out strongly as "yes, it helps prevent virus spread". Was question asked even the correct question? Maybe we should have asked, "Do face masks improve or decrease population health?". We might just get a different answer.

Or perhaps neither of these questions are relevant, because the Authorities have already declared face masks are good, and believing these Authorities is somehow "Believing Science". And the Authorities will guide funds to the Soft science that gives them the answers they need, to gain more power.

Getting back to the Zombies, they are more than happy to see funding to these Soft sciences, because they have little to no understanding of science, and how it is used against the population.

So the third phase of Zombies is the assumption that they are in alignment with Truth, while actually being against Truth, and actively promoting the opposite of Truth. They don't do science, and they don't understand how Soft sciences are a tool of those who seek to manipulate the masses.

The Authorities of old used to be the Religious leaders of old, and they stifled the Truth in their own ways, such as claiming the Earth was flat and burning books. Because of such actions, Religious leaders of old are perceived with discredit, and less than trustworthy. The Hedonist Authorities of today are largely without religious text, but they aren't necessarily without religion. We could say that their religion revolves around comfort seeking and pleasure glorification, which leads to promotion of the weak and degenerate in society.

In many ways they are worse than the Authorities of old. They have no consistent set of values for the future of humanity. They have largely over taken the fields of science, and they are working hard to manipulate everything to fit the new agenda. Some call the new agenda Cultural Marxism. A form of society where everyone is supposed to be a clone, and all have equal worth, and anyone is interchangeable with anyone else without consequence, and superior traits of groups must be suppressed, and groups with inferior traits must be promoted.

The intentional or unintentional consequences being, dilution of the nuclear family, dilution of the gene pool, and with the real potential of the destruction of our entire species.

We are encouraged to fully embrace race and sex statistics when convenient, and equally reject them fully when inconvenient. Women don't need men, and Men are not needed in the home. Women are now just as good and qualified as men in every conceivable way, and often even better than men. Men are viewed as destructive, disruptive, and even toxic.

Unless the man is gay, or transgender. Then he has redeeming qualities. It's not just acceptable to be homosexual, it's apparently it's the moral thing to do. You become a better human for it.

Additionally, any inconvenient information regarding IQ of groups is quickly dismissed and regarded as biased lies. That information is terribly destructive to the interchangeable human narrative.

Genuinely, this is all the subtle ruin of the family, and it has negative affects on the human gene pool. The truth is that we aren't all interchangeable, and different groups of individuals do have significant qualities over others. If we promote individuals with poor qualities, while suppressing those of superior qualities, what outcome is that going to have for the future of humanity in the generations to come?

This promotion of those without merit, in combination with human dependence on technology for survival is allowing massive amounts of inferior genetics to propagate through the human gene pool.

We discussed in length about reliance on technology in our previous recording titled, "Degeneracy Is Flooding The World". The more disconnected a people becomes with nature, the more fragile and delicate it's existence becomes.


In summary, these Blue Pill Zombies can't claim science, and they can't claim Truth. They don't understand science, and they're even inclined to believe the exact opposite of Truth. These Zombies aren't critical thinkers, they are pawns. Pawns of those Authorities in power. Authorities use them to help propagate their narrative.

That current narrative of pleasure seeking today, at the cost of tomorrow. We must reject that mindset of pleasure seeking in order to grow ourselves, and in order to triumph in the world. Those of us that unite and stay strong in mind and body will ultimately own the future.

If you haven't seen our previous recording titled, "Degeneracy Is Flooding The World", now is the chance to go view that. Link in the description.


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We send out love and to all our brothers and sisters. Stay blessed.


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Great post. Very well written. I holds up well in light of the last few years! Keep it coming!

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