With the right organization, the victory in the Moscow mayoral elections is inevitable

in #philosophy7 years ago

Today I read again the post on Facebook that people in Russia need a new leader (the king, the Fuhrer, the leader). It is striking how persistent the psychology of slaves, vividly described by Erich Fromm in the book "Escape from Freedom".

From the point of view of the population (not citizens), it is necessary to give your leader (the king, the Fuhrer, the leader) his will, so that he realizes the aspirations and worries of the slaves then quietly go into his burrow, and wait for the leader (the king, the Fuhrer, the leader) to make you happy.

From this point of view, only the replacement of the reindeer herder by the leader of the opposition is a victory in the elections. This is completely miserable and not a far-sighted point of view. There are no elections in Russia, there is only their imitation.

Therefore, even if the HYIP is organized and the leader of the opposition wins, the protocols of the election commissions are necessarily forged, so the result is predicted to be 100%. But elections are a short event, included in a lengthy political process.

If you start the mechanism of the political system, about which I told in the previous two posts on this topic, then the task of implementing the requirements will be achieved by 2/3. Simply because the authorities always meet the number of citizens' demands according to statistics.

Therefore, even with minimal effort, victory is guaranteed by 1000%. Every step in favor of citizens gives the effect of a surge and the strengthening of civil society in a geometric progression - this is how the nonequilibrium system operates.

Moreover, my proposals lay down the creation of an open, nonequilibrium political system that will inevitably expand, capture all points of political space, gain strength and at some point move Russian society to the point of bifurcation.

This opens a portal for tsunamis, capable of washing away the sun for a well-deserved rest, and the reindeer herder in the grazing pasture of deer.

An example of a simple system

In Solovki at the beginning of the last century, the camps massively killed children from hunger and diarrhea. They did not rely on rations, so the children traded in stealing and picking up scraps.

Virtuous prisoners came up with orphanages for such juvenile prisoners, where they would not be allowed to starve to death. Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky liked this idea, and it was spread throughout the Soviet Union.

The system of relationships between children and the attitude of adults in boarding schools was based on violence, other prisoners simply did not know other relationships, and this tradition became a binding, cementing element.

Then here was added deprivation. Due to deprivation, the personality was practically not formed, and the violence, soaked up since childhood, created the only possible social organization - conflict-authoritarian (primitive) groups. It turned out a rattling mixture.

The person is not formed due to deprivation and can not overcome violence as the main way of socialization, and the insane violence of the elders in relation to the younger, adults in relation to children, cleans the fragile souls from the very possibility of the germination of virtue.

The fact is that once the created open system always begins to live its life and recreate its logic of organization across all points of space, capturing those not occupied and gaining places of weaker systems. The iron law of the oligarchy says that when a community arises, elite groups are immediately organized, interested in maintaining and maintaining the system to maintain their status.

But the second part of this law, few people pay attention. If in the system to replace some people with others that previously did not participate in it, then in a short time they will reproduce all the elements of the system in the smallest detail.

How much would you not invest in children's homes, how many would not buy toys and computers there, you can do everything in Europe, arrange a courtyard from volunteers and cultural figures, but violence and deprivation will be reproduced across all points of the localized space.

If you even change at once all the personnel of orphanages to the most sweet and loving adults in the shortest time, or they will again reproduce violence and deprivation, or part of their system will spit outside the orphanages. Once created, the system will always reproduce itself over all points of space.

The only way to fight is to completely destroy the system. In this case, you just need to close all the children's homes. Irina Khakamada already tried to do it earlier. There was a misfortune with the child, he was left without parents, he can stay in the children's room for 2 weeks.

In the first week, a Russian family was not found, during the second week, the family from developed democracies should receive the right to adopt, where human rights are maximally protected. No, then the child must get into a temporary family.

So he is protected from the development of deprivation and violence. Being not behind the fence, but in an open society, he can always avoid violence. At the same time, Russian society, having withdrawn from the problems of orphanages, pays a huge price for violence and deprivation, but does nothing to change the situation.

This is a fairly simple example of an open system, now we move on to a more complex political system.

The main task in the election of the mayor of Moscow is the creation of a civil political system

Overcoming the cockerel syndrome outlined in the first post and creating a broad coalition of citizens for the realization of the interests of the townspeople described in the second blog presupposes the creation of a civil political system on the basis of consensus and pedantic fulfillment of concluded agreements.

Cooperation instead of violence and finding out who from above creates a new strategy for decision-making. Instead of satisfying the ambitions inherent in primitive groups, the energy in this case is directed at creating a set of stable links between citizens.

The realization of plans with the help of the civil political system begins. Once it is created, giving it an impulse, we make it stable, it begins to strengthen itself and expand. If my technology of wide participation in the election process is run-in in the mayoral elections in Moscow, then it will quickly begin to creep into other regions.

The collapse between survival strategies will begin. At some points in his life, a person will adhere to the tradition of servility and reproduce through violence the relations of primitive groups, at other points he will choose a strategy of cooperation peculiar to egalitarian communities, from which civil society is just emerging.

Since being an orc is less preferable than a virtuous person, the propensity to choose a second behavioral strategy will become repeatable and gradually receive a preference. Through the collapse of strategies of behavior, all civilized countries have passed, this is the main world trend.

It aims to expand the world political process by implementing civil and political human rights through democratic procedures. Since others could, and we can create such a self-sustaining system through the participation of citizens in making political decisions.

The sooner we create it, the faster we'll run the criminal power, and the reindeer herder into the tundra. The creation of a civilian political system is and will be a deafening victory in the election of the mayor of Moscow.



This post has received a 0.45 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @varja.

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