in #philosophy8 years ago

The 5 Principles of Reiki

1) Just for today, no worries:

(I live here and now, I surrender and I have faith.)

2) Just for today, no anger:

(Anger hides the fear of losing.)

"Do not do anything in anger, would you hoist the sails in the storm?"

3) I respect my parents, my teachers, my elders, my neighbors.

(Love and respect for all who live ...... and who does not live because we all come from the same energy.)

"To respect the other is to respect oneself"

4) I earn my life honestly.

"One day you can say," It was not easy, but I succeeded. "

5) I am grateful for everything that surrounds me.

(Thanks to life, thank you for being here.)

Reiki obeys five main principles. These principles are known as 5 gokai precepts or the 5 principles of reiki usui, referring to the founder of the method of reiki care: Master Mikao Usui.

The five precepts of reiki are the basic values of any reiki philosophy.

Living according to reiki principles allows us to work for peace and harmony in the universe, but also and above all to heal the world and the beings who live there.

If the reiki practice systems can vary according to the currents of thought and formations, the five principles are always identical. These values are keys that help to establish the basis of the spiritual practice of reiki.

However, those who respect the reiki precepts and apply them in their daily lives experience a rich and harmonious spiritual life. These five principles form the basis of all practice and care practiced by the reiki practitioner.


thank you very much

Beauty-Full <3

Thank you and Reiki Blessings :)


thank you

Very nice post :)

今日だけは Kyô dake wa,
怒るな Ikaru na,
心配すな Shinpai suna,
感謝して Kansha shite,
業をはげめ Gyo wo hageme,
人に親切に Hito ni shinsetsu ni.

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