The Philosophy ¿because to write?

in #philosophy6 years ago

The Philosophy ¿because to write?

One of the big challenges that we face the persons nowadays, is that of being able to communicate our knowledge and experiences, since we are more used to the oral communication, leaving of side the written one, since writing is not an easy task, especially when the current world moves in a species of improving of the scientific vocabulary, and there arise very complex words, like declaration of the above mentioned changes. Writing well is a task that needs time, study and dedication. It is a skill derived from a combination balanced between science and art, knowledge and inspiration. What is the best way of learning to write? definitively writing, but also reading.

But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange them, then it is a universal world of ideas.

student of postgradeThe majority as professionals, or lover of a preparation we are not used to writing, in our way a culture does not exist to publish. I would say the following thing, One of the principal obstacles which we meet the majority of those that we start writing, it is of finding ideas sufficient for our articles, reasons that turn into energy that impels to the persons to support the habit of writing and of publishing.

To begin to break the ice, the healthiest thing is writing on things that we know, we like or on that we are.

Finally in his conscience analyze in conscience to called of reflection the following thing, writing well is more than inspiration, it is a question of a process of work, discipline and motivation that is within reach of all, it is a skill that must develop with the practice. It is necessary to be curious, observant, simple, humble and prudent.

Since any professional or teacher can go so far as to write to publish and inclusive also the students of pregrade and student of postgrade. A third myth is that many people think that almost the only way of publishing in the magazines is to send complex works of investigation. It is not true, so although the studies are longed by the magazines, there are other ways of publishing. This includes interesting cases of his clinical practice, personal experiences, critical constructive analysis of problems, historical critiques and comments about studies published in the magazines.

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