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RE: Reality Is Realistic: The Science Of Vibration Will Redefine Spirituality, That The Fundamentalists And Atheists Like It Or Not

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Holy cow, this is certainly a large collection of...well...crap.

I saw the water one and can't go any farther. "Dr" Emoto...sigh. Let's hear what our good friend and nonsense debunker James Randi challenged him with in 2003:

Dr. Emoto might very well believe that he's doing science. But he's not. He does no double-blind procedures, for one thing, which dooms these amateur efforts, right from the beginning. If he were to be blind to which words were being used to influence the water crystals, his search through the results looking for confirmation, would be inconclusive. I'll risk the JREF million-dollar prize on that statement. If Dr. Emoto wants to win the prize, let him agree to perform his tests in a double-blind fashion, and I predict he'll get fuzzy results that prove nothing.

He challenged "Dr" Emoto to preform his experiments in a scientific and controlled setting for 1 MILLION dollars. Surprisingly, "Dr" Emoto refused. So much for science. :)

I can't go through the rest of these or my head will start to hurt.

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