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RE: The Brave New World Is HERE! Scientists Weighing The Increase Of Lithium In Tap Water

in #philosophy7 years ago

The earth is not a sentient, intelligent being. It doesn't think. It doesn't feel. It can own nothing. Thinking that it is, is literally insane.

When you own something, you take care of it.


Insane? not sentient? You cannot take care of anything is you do not know how it works.

If you can feel as an alive body, anything alive can, at a different level of awareness. The awareness designed by its state of aliveness.

And you are clueless and mindless atheist for not being able to grasp this.

EVERYTHING ALIVE is sentient. Every cell is sentient because it KNOWS how to react in its environment. Every cell has a code embedded by the mechanisms of Consciousness. Man didnt create such codes, codes are natural laws, which he cannot bend. And when scientists try to bend them, they usher destruction: just like this so-called wonderful plastic invention. Plastic is an alien material to Earth. And that is why we cannot recycle it without causing more pollution. Same with nuclear waste. Most scientists are criminals.

Time to get real. It is not about owning earth but being aware of HOW NATURAL LAWS work. 4000 years ago, this was already known!

you are just an mindless atheist, life just came out of the blue, by accident? LOL That is what happens when one has little spiritual understanding. Science is destroying humanity.

this blog is not for people like you. It is for people who can grasp that materialism and spirituality are two sides of the same coin

My last reply to you. You are not welcome here. I cannot believe that I have put up with you for so long, but now it is clear that you dont have the awareness to read what is posted here, so what is the point.

I will never answer anything you post on here ever again. You are now talking with yourself

The earth is not alive. It is a spinning ball of molten nickle and iron with a slightly cooled crust.

4000 years ago, you were lucky to live to 25 if you survived childhood. So yea, we know quite a bit more nowadays. We live to 80 all because of a little thing called science. :)

And what's up with demonizing atheists now? Atheists are people too, you know.

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