This Simple Solution to Dealing with Liars Will Make You Wiser The More You Use It. (Don't BeLIEve ANYTHING! Beliefs Always Introduce Error.)

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

The less lies we tell, the less we need to remember

This simple advice works in so many ways that since I adopted it fully about 10 years ago it has never let me down and helps me feel better, more able to process information and to think more clearly. In short, lies and denials put us out of balance and have us gradually descending into our own delusions. The more we maintain untruth within us, the more of our energy is used up just maintaining the deception, which means our energy is not being used for the functions that it is needed to be used for - including functions relating to emotional health and thus also physical health.

With this in mind, it is doubly important to be able to understand truth from lies and to identify others who support dysfunctional internal processes that are based on lies or which they are deliberately using to lie to others for their own reasons

Don't BeLIEve ANYTHING, EVER! Beliefs ALWAYS introduce errors.

When we examine this problem it becomes apparent that the key weakness in our defences against lies is our reliance on belief itself! Many are so convinced that we simply 'must' believe in 'something' that their perceptual filters literally refuse to accept that some other people have chosen not to believe anything at all - yet, it is true that some of us do live this way.

It is no accident that the word 'belief' contains 'lie' and that is because beliefs are always a lie. How can that be so?

A simple way to understand this is that there are 3 basic categories of thinking/understandings:

  1. Thoughts: The most essential kind of conceptualisation - where we visualise, examine and consider options for what we want or need to focus into. Thoughts are known to not be guaranteed to be accurate, they could be entirely false and we recognise and accept that that is the case.
  2. Beliefs: Beliefs are 'thoughts that define that another thought is true, without actually knowing if that is accurate or not'. They therefore lack the needed depth of understanding to be reliably 100% certainly accurate.
  3. Knowing: When we fully know that a thought is 100% true then we can say our thoughts are not beliefs and are more than simple thoughts - in fact, they are a new thing altogether that forms the basis of our understanding of everything and possibly also of who we are. We Know things when we can FEEL the truth in them and we also have had enough experience in life to know enough other related 'things' that we can be sure that we are correct. The most basic knowingness is that YOU EXIST! Some might say that they only think or believe that they exist, but this is only possible due to their own self denial. In truth, they do know they exist and only their own mental gymnastics can allow them to deny that they know they exist.

But... Muh Definitions!

Some will read these definitions and want to challenge them because their own definitions are not the same. However, let's look closely at this:

Is a belief a type of thoughtform? Yes!
Is a belief known to be 100% true? No!

So, therefore, it follows that beliefs are a type of 'leap of faith', 'judgement' or 'filling in of the gaps in understanding' and thus ALWAYS INCLUDE SOME ERRORS! OOPS!

So why do we believe at all?

Usually we believe to act on one of several motives:

  1. We just want to conveniently think that we understand something so that we can feel more at peace.
  2. We are frightened and feel pressure to come to a decision without complete understanding.
  3. We have been convinced that there are some issues in life that are impossible to know and thus we choose to believe instead as a practical way to continue in the absence of true knowingness.

But what if we realise that a better way exists? Can we literally stop believing everything and be nearer to truth? YES!

Release of all beliefs is beneficial

As a Computer Software Engineer I have been forced to learn to apply logic under stressed/pressured conditions against the clock and in a way that is constantly tested for it's accuracy by computers that have no emotional care as to whether I am right or not - they simply tell me point blank - WRONG (When my logic is false). In this process, along with an ongoing process of internal alchemical transformation, I became aware that beliefs are a total waste of my energy and in our fast paced world where we meet potentially hundreds of people a week, I found that believing anything at all was becoming a liability.

The mind is like a parachute - No use unless it is open!


I learned that whenever I find a belief inside me I can examine it and return my thoughts on that subject to an open state instead of a closed state - which means that I accept I do not know the full truth and that it is fine for me to remain open and receptive to learning more.

This is the only way to carry out correct scientific enquiry, since the insertion of predetermined biases and judgements without knowing the full situation will heavily skew and warp our understanding in a myriad of ways. Even though this is obvious to many, it remains the case that some of the loudest voices who ridicule certain trains of thought within science are themselves obviously in denial of their own biases and beliefs.

The result is that you cannot really fall for lies

By never creating a belief, you can never really be lied to and the most that can occur is that you create a precisely defined thought that records the experience of someone saying something to you, which you define as being ‘unknown’ in the sense that you do not yet know if it is true or not.

How to really KNOW?

If you base all your assessment of what you think might be true against the ‘tuning fork’ of the unshakeable knowingness that you always have available, which is: the knowing that you EXIST – then you have an anchor point inside you for measuring any thought for it’s feeling of certainty within you.

Your feelings are MUCH more powerful and capable than most of us have yet learned – they will inform you directly of many things that cannot be known in other ways, you only need to begin to open to their input to begin to understand this more deeply. When you combine your felt sense of the situation with an attuned thinking mind which logically examines the situation, then you have a way of feeling in your heart as to what you know, what you don’t know and where you may need to focus, enquire and be open to in order to know more.

In short, the more you live in truth, the more you will be able to discern lies and the more you will attract those who also live in truth, thus meaning that you will encounter less lies anyway!


Love! Ura.



If only more people knew these to be true.

Thank you.

You are welcome, thanks for the words of support. followed!

These are dark times for the truth. Supporting truth is the only way I sleep at night.

Thank you for the follow, I would do the same, but I already am.

Thankyou again then! Just keep doing the best you can with every breathe - there is no need to worry at all when we are aligned in that way.

I get this an it makes complete sense. To me I always said seeing is believing obviously this needs to change. Reading this post I came to realise that I say "I believe so" when I'm unsure and don't want 100% certainty to be placed on me, its like a get out clause if you will.

Truth and knowledge will always prosper the end!

Very good, yes it's very valuable to notice our little programs and habits - we can gain strength and balance through correcting these little blind-spots. :)

the mind holds all the secrets and knowledge or potential knowledge we could ever need... yet it's still up to us to keep learning all we can

Such a great advice! I too choose not to lie for that reason. A tangled web of lies never leads anywhere good.

Exactly, yes! :)

Great Post. I agree with this line of logic

Good to hear :)

Lies only lead to more lies to protect your previous lies. Then the result of finally telling the truth becomes heavier resulting in more damage.

well, the truth is the only way to balance and actually if done correctly may result in less damage - but that is not how it seems to the one lying at the time. this basic problem is part of why there is still a coverup regarding ET technology, as I am showing in my current series on that topic. I will post on how I see the two topics being connected soon, it's pretty important.

If you lie, you eventually get caught and along with that you lose respect.

Usually, yes - though sadly there are so many liars in positions on 'status' in many societies now that they cultivate entire cultures based on lies and then reward each other for lying further!

We see it on the news daily...

yes and parliament and on and on!

We call it the BS Factor, intuition plus logic minus misconception equal reality of truth.

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