Grammar and Morality: How these two are related?!

in #philosophy6 years ago

I know I often defy the rules of proper grammar and punctuation because...well, why not?

The thing is that when you write within "the rules" tone and inflection are hard to grasp. I want people to read and hear my voice.

I try to write like I speak. Sometimes a little extra emphasis or a longer pause is required. (So my paragraphs do not always have 3 sentences...)

Besides, I have always taken a slight issue with so-called rules. That isn't to say I don't respect authority.

I usually don't break the law (I mean, who doesn't speed? And if you don't...I can respect that. I WILL go around you in a safe manner and I am a safe driver but often "keeping up with the flow of traffic" means I'm breaking the rules established by society).

Society tries to mold (i.e. break) us in so many different ways with its expectations.

If you don't have children by a certain age...if you're not married by a certain age...if you're a homemaker...if you're in a non-traditional partnership. The list goes on and on...and on. We're still fighting the stigma of some of these things we SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do or be.

Based on what??? WHY is there even stigma to begin with? WHO says I have to behave x, y, z? MY morality is not up for YOUR debate.

Can I not just live my life how I choose as long as I am not hurting others? (The hurting others part is key folks. I'm not advocating murder. Do onto others and all that).

Like for instance, who cares if I own firearms or not? If you are not inflicting injury upon myself, my family or my property it doesn't become your business until you do...

In which case, well that's on you isn't it? Maybe you should just avoid inflicting injury and it won't become necessary for you to find out if I do or do not. That's a risk you are choosing to take.

Responsible weapon owners don't go waving around their weapons. It is meant to defend (resist an attack, protect from harm or injury).

I could tackle stickier political issues but this isn't meant to be a political post. It's also not meant to be a call to arms either.

This post may offend some people in which case I say...stop reading. Your offended nature is not my problem.

If you are still with me then you may understand what I'm truly trying to say. The consequences of my life are made by my choices. No one elses.

Therefore the choices of my life should be my own, free from your expectations. I can not tell you that your expectations should match my expectations.

And given my philosophy and code of morality, I can not tell you that your expectations should or should not match those of the people around you or "society". That is for you to decide. Find your own truth.

But this is why we are all given personal free will and should RESPECT the free will of others.

I never do things to purposely disrespect others. It's not who I am.

I value others too much to purposely go out of my way to harm another human being. I may not live up to someone else's expectations but the intent is never to cause undue pain onto others.

There are people like that. Unfortunately in this life I have met too many of them. I have allowed their hurt to become my own pain. Hurt people hurt people.

But I have also always striven to not be one of those people. Have I failed sometimes? Of course! I am only human and therefore also fallible. I have made mistakes. And I own them. If you push me too hard I will push back. It just takes a lot for me to respond that way.

I try always to be as kind, loving, patient and understanding as possible. But we all have our limits as to how much we will choose to endure. I try to live by Christian principles as closely as I can.

I have always apologized when I have offended or hurt someone and been in the wrong. And then I have moved forward and learned from that mistake, trying to never inflict that same kind of harm again.

And that my friends, that is my truth...

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