
The reason I say that is that I used to really be into this line of thinking back when I was reading stuff like, "Acres of Diamonds", "As a Man Thinketh" (and many other books on the topic) and was really into the whole philosophy surrounding the "Law of Attraction", "The Secret", Eckhart Tolle and many others including Rav Laitman (Dr. Michael Laitman).

Once I began "advanced Authentic Kabbalah" classes something changed within me. I really began to question everything I had learned over those years. I realized I was being taken down a path and I realized my path was changing once again. Shortly after that I became an atheist or so I thought. I use to agree with most everything I read in the #philosophy section here on Steemit, but that was 5-10 years ago. Then things changed, again.

I don't remember what it was that made me begin to question everything all over again, but something did and it was a ferocious awakening (that's the best way to explain it). I began to dig deeper into the origins of what I had learned over those many years and my entire world was turned upside down. I came face to face with my worst fear and then began the slow process of changing my entire thinking process once again.

That's my personal story and yours will be different. However, I have witnessed many people I studied with coming to the same independent conclusion years later, and knowing you are the kind of person that will continue seeking the truth I feel that within 5 years you will look back upon this time and your current philosophy very differently.

This is the reason for my statement above. I truly do want to see how your thinking has changed within that time, if at all. If it hasn't, well I guess you've found your path. That said, I would be willing to lay down a few Steem Dollars on a bet (because I cannot for the life of me shake my gambling habit) that your current beliefs/philosophy/thinking will have changed within the next 5 years. ;)

Like I've said in the past on the BitShares forum when you misconstrued a post or two of mine, I use to be you; meaning, I use to think everything you currently think. I've been there, done that, studied everything you are currently getting into and beyond and I see the path you are going down; because I have walked that path and know it well.

I also assume (or know by your post) that you're a free thinker and therefore I believe that you will eventually see things from a new perspective down your path, but it will take time. You have a ways to go it appears, judging by the things you openly express publicly. Everything is still new to you as far as your post indicate; this new found perspective is exciting to you, it's very freeing and brings you calm.

The best advice I can give to you (not that you asked, but I feel obligated to say because I care for you and your well being) on your journey is to be ready for an eventual storm of knowledge beyond anything you could have ever imagined. Your world may be turned upside down in a few years due to your own growth, not only in years but spiritually, knowledge and experience.

I don't want you to once again misinterpret what I'm trying to express to you. I'm simply not very good at expressing what I'm thinking or feeling inside. I'm no writer and have taken too many blows to the head over the years to be intelligent enough to articulate what I'm trying to get across. You're a unique person with a big brain and an even bigger heart and I only want the best for you and I hope that is what you take from this comment. I wish you nothing but luck on your journey and pursuit of happiness! :)

Touche :) What a wonderful, wacky journey it is is it not? The awakening process is utterly fascinating and the magical phase is soooooo cute! I'm currently in the FUN phase.

something like that. yin and yang. cycles.

you start discovering create-your-own-reality. you have success and manifest what you want. then eventually you're being reminded that there are aspects which you have no control over, aspects which you have not yet understood, aspects that are bigger than yourself, and there is much more out there than everything you believed you had always wanted. you're being made humble again. and you have to re-start re-rediscovering yourself.

RemindMe! 5 years

^ This was posted hoping someone would make this bot for Steem. ;)

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