Smart People: What books make you intelligent and clever?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Here’s one:

Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker by Frank R. Wallace.

It’s actually a book about Philosophy heavily disguised* as a book about Poker. It is in the top 5 of all books I’ve read in my life. It will help you act intelligently within the inter-personal human domain and it unabashedly reveals some clever techniques that can help you get ahead in this life.

*You may need to further research Frank R. Wallace for a more obvious exposition of Wallace’s philosophy. He actually renounces Poker as a zero-sum non-productive activity in his later works, but nonetheless digesting and putting into practice the lessons in this book was the basis of my career as a professional poker player in Las Vegas in the 70s. I kid you not;)


Listen to The Steem Theme (Original Music)

Above is my composition called Theme From Steem or simply Steem Theme. I recorded it on my Korg MicroArranger and the editing was done on Audacity. I want to create a 21st century sounding theme that resonates with our dynamic, disruptive Steemit movement to inspire the Steemit team. Steem Power is the future of Steemit and we all share in it.

Don't forget to flush, be nice and upvote this post.


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