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in #philosophy5 years ago

I have been reading the book by Jordan Peterson called the 12 Rules for Life, and there is a principle I would like to share with you. Hopefully it will be of benefit for anyone that will take the time to read this, and hopefully I do it justice as well.

In this symbol the Tao symbol we have an interesting dynamic which describes this point and is referenced by Dr Peterson. This is Yin and Yang, or in our terms, ORDER and CHAOS.
And what is this significance.

In actual fact you're wanting to live or remain somewhere in the middle of these 2 domains for a number of reasons, but we will discuss this shortly.


This is the white portion of the Tao. It represents a state of control, one that you're in control, and the things you're doing are taking place as suspected and planned, and you're in a state of control and peace, and relative happiness....because in this state you are only generally able to achieve relative happiness.
BUT this world as you know often doesn't leave or allow this state to continue unabated. As you would notice, within the white area there is a single black dot, referencing that at any time, something can change your world of order and immediately you are thrown out of order into chaos.
For example, you are sitting in your lounge watching a show you love with your wife, and she has a stroke and passes away in a few minutes! Completely out of control, your world falls apart and you are thrown into disarray and chaos. This is the function of the little black dot in order.

It is out of your control!


I think a great example of chaos against order is in the movie the Dark Knight. The Joker! One of the great movies (especially from a DC perspective) that was a constant battle between Order and Chaos. Harvey Dent, the good guy, the planner, the peace creator and shining light AND then the Joker, chaos in a suit!
Even his plans were chaotic and random, and failure in them didn't mean anything to him, because that was part of his world....chaos!

He even said these words to Harvey: "It’s a schemer who put you where you are. You were a schemer. You had plans. Look where it got you. I just did what I do best-I took your plan and turned it on itself. Look what I have done to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple bullets. Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. But when I say one little old mayor will die, everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It’s fair.”

It's the unknown. The world of chances, risks, problems, hurt and lessons. Planners like Harvey and Batman battle to deal and understand this world, but it's where most growth in people lives happen, and hardly ever a stale life.

Your world may be drowning in chaos and worry and difficulties even, and during this darkness, you may have an enlightened idea, and this is where out of chaos you can find that order that will better yours and even others lives.
This si the white 'eye' in the middle of chaos. It is often in chaos that your greatest ideas and inspirations come from, that pull you out of this world into a more orderly world.

In fact Harvey is so taken by this 'lesson by the Joker that he essentially becomes the ultimate 'in-betweener'. Where order and chaos are fighting a constant fight and he is the line right in the middle.

Where do we belong?
Most people would say we need to stay in the Order realm, because this seems to be the 'good' place. We're comfortable there. We know what we are there. We know what to expect there.

This is where it gets interesting. YES, it seems this is where we tend to aim, and set our goals for. Let's make lots of money, become rich enough so we can stop worrying and travel the world and not have a care in the world!
If that was the end goal, then why do so many wealthy families and even celebs hang themselves, have serious alcohol and drug issues....have children out of control.....even in the past the rich and powerful waged war with everyone, anyone!

In fact there was a quote I read years ago from English Lords, when asked why they war so much with each other, they said, what else is a Lord to do??

So clearly this(having all you ever need) is not the state that makes mankind happy and satisfied. Order is not the answer to all. We need, and even crave a little chaos in our lives. Some of the unknown some of the risk, in order to learn to grow and experience life to the fullest.

I'll give and example citing one of my previous posts about what made a great guitarist.
If you have a musician that is technically brilliant, never misses a note, is perfectly timed and technical. A lot of people would see and hear this and say this is as good as you can ever get!

The on comes a good guitarist, but one who takes chances, pushes themselves to the limit and even past....tries out some 'things' that are not well known and planned. Throws in something he feels rather than knows....and here you get something even greater than the musician who is perfect, technically.
Of course the converse is true too! One living in chaos alone is bound for pain and failure, and many trying to do this are also struggling as much as those trying to only have order in theirs.

You need that chaos to drive you let you grow. And it is between these 2 worlds where people find the most joy and experience! It is there that life finds fulfillment, joy, sadness, pain, risk, love, happiness, heartache.
Can you imagine children that only ever sat in their rooms and did schoolwork and then came out and did chores. Eventually you would kick them out, give them the car keys and say...GET OUT and go LIVE!! Go experience life. This is not life for you!!
Go experience a girl/boy that breaks your heart...go struggle to make ends meet, take chances....learn!!

Nothing wrong with planning your path on the way of course. This was never a sales pitch for a chaotic and crazy, this is an amalgamation of the 2 worlds, where we should not be scared to experience a little chaos in our lives.
In fact we should be embracing it, as it is an important part of who we are and who we are becoming.

Teach that to our kids too! They need to know that they need both. You cant just be the Joker either! That guy is nuts!
Even in the business world, you can stay safe and do what is expected of you perfectly. You will be safe and sound in your position.
But the real growth happens to those that take the chances....make the moves that are scary and chaotic. You will notice I said the growth will happen...not the success. Because in chaos there is not guarantee for SUCCESS, just a guarantee for growth, and perhaps great success.
Get your work done in the midst of chaos my friends!!

An interesting thing to note actually, is that we also have 2 halves of our brain that are almost geared to this order and chaos theory. I mean take a look at the below pic and tell me we are not dual beings with a need for both.

We also refer to 2 parts of us that control our being, our heart and our heads. Again this dualism that is referred to again and again.
We find comfort in the head....we find a lot of control here. It is what most seek for. But it is empty without the heart. We need the heart for the feelings, the fun, the adventure, the love....and often we give up the head for these things.

So for now this is one of the big lessons I have taken out of this book so far. I must admit, a 900 page book should be devoured in a single sitting usually by myself, but I find myself drawn to read posts and books and stories on this platform, which takes a lot of the time I would normally put onto reading something like the "12 Rules for Life".

So again I say to you, don't try to control too much in your life. Be in control yes, but you also need to learn to let go. Allow yourself and others the chaos needed to find joy, to find themselves/yourself. If on the other side of the spectrum, you need to allow the chaotic to find order in their is needed to live a full life.
This is to have goals and the procedure to achieve these goals and offers security and a measure of peace.

You need to be able to confront chaos and gain thereby, then move back into order. For without coming back into order, your life will become unbearable and well...chaotic!

In fact even political parties show the yin and yang of life. Look at the American system.
The right: Order, control and even fascism on the far end
The Left: Disorder, chaos and nihilism and socialism on the far left

I suppose even in politics, we are sick when we concentrate on a single side of that Tau.

Another short video with an example from a younger Peterson himself

I hope this has been somewhat enlightening to the readers.

I would like to hear your opinions on this....seriously.

Cheers all

[video and information credit YouTube,,,,,


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This is great news...thank you :)

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