Who Will Find The Words To Save The World?

in #philosophy7 years ago

There have been many attempts throughout the ages by different men and women from all walks of life to find the words that will inspire others to make a positive change in the world and to lead us to the Utopia that most of us would like to see.

Politicians, philosophers, writers, activists, actors, singers and sportsmen as well as all manner of professionals and experts have apparently given it their best shot and yet from what I can see, there have been no positive changes in our society that lead me to believe we are on the right track. There have certainly been changes which would, on the surface, appear to be positive but when analysed critically, these changes would seem to be positive only for a very small percentage of the population and adversely affect the rest.

Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, John F. Kennedy, The Dali Lama. They have all seemingly played their part in spreading words of peace and reconciliation, brotherhood and friendship, yet they have all failed in their attempts to unite us and bring peace to our world.

Many ‘great’ men and women have tried and failed to find the words that would unite us, so I ask you, if none of these, if not the great and good of our society, then who? Who will find the words that will save the world? Could it be that they might come from someone outside of the great and the good?

How then will they be heard?

I Am No Expert! Or Am I?

There are many issues facing the world we live in that seem on the surface to be insurmountable when looked at through the current societal paradigm we have been given. In my considered opinion, the problems we face are not as complicated as they are made out to be. It serves the interests of a few to ensure that complication persists. For me, the world is a very simple place, or at least it could be if we wanted it to and I feel that these complicated questions we face ultimately, have very simple answers. Why then, do we continually look to those who are proficient only in over-complication to find simple answers when so many of us are able to clearly see these for ourselves?

What makes an expert anyway? Experience? A certificate? A qualification? Peer review? Publication? Celebrity?

Do our words, written or spoken, have any weight at all unless we have some sort of ‘authority’ or ‘status’ to back them up?

There Is No Utopia!

There is no such thing possible as a utopia here on earth. Each individual man or woman has a different perspective, which even though it may only be a very slight difference in perspective from the man or woman next to us, is still enough to ensure that there is no possibility of complete agreement and therefore it stands to reason that with so many of us here sharing the same space, there will be lots of diversity and difference of opinion between us.

This does not however, account for how we treat each other today or for the situation we currently find ourselves in and it does not preclude us from attaining something close to utopia in future. All we have to do in order to start heading in that direction is to stop following the path that has been laid out in front of us and instead begin to make our own paths by living our lives in the way that feels most natural to us.

Perpetual Paradise!

The world we live in is a perpetual paradise with personnel problems. There are just a few who are fucking things up for the rest of us. They know who they are and they know what they’re doing. Their power over us comes equally from our innocence and our ignorance. They are the gods of this world for they have made us in their image. We are the products of the environment which they have created. We have forgotten what it is to live the natural lives that men and women should. Our perceptions, our beliefs, our truths, have all been shaped and moulded for us and we have freely given up our ability to see the beauty in a world that was made for us to enjoy.

Everything Has Its Price!

If tomorrow, I discovered something that would change the world for the better, make everyone live longer and healthier lives, allow everyone more free time and provide all of the food required for every man woman and child to eat well, how much should I charge for such a thing?

This is a question that gets to the foundation of our society today.

Why do we think this way? Why do we covet financial wealth more so than emotional wealth? Surely by now most of us have realised that financial wealth is nothing more than an unattainable, illusory endeavour? Emotional wealth on the other hand is something that can be increased daily, with endless opportunities and abundance for all. There is no limit, no market cap on emotional wealth. There is enough for everyone and yet it is shunned as being worth little or nothing at all.

One Hundred Monkeys!

I used to think that at some point, someone would say the right combination of words in the right order and once enough people had heard them, these words would be unstoppable and spread around the world like wildfire, freeing us all form the mental, physical, cultural and religious bondage we are suffering through and allowing us to live our lives as we were always intended to.

I imagined that these words would be uttered by some well known figure on a TV screen and aired around the world and that change would be instantaneous. Being now a little less ignorant, I know that this can never be the case but I still believe that what I imagined can become reality, if not quite on the same timescale or with the same personnel.

It is still my belief that at some point, if freedom for all and freedom from tyranny is at all possible, one of us will find the right words and they will spread. No matter how long it takes, at some point we will reach that 100th monkey, our words will indeed be unstoppable and will be heard by everyone.

But I could be wrong!

So perhaps I should have titled this post ‘Who Will Find The Words To Save The World? Or Ultimately, What Action Is It Going To Take To Get The Job Done?’ :)

What do you think?

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Excellent my friend, from start to finish :)
You have hit the nail on the head with this one.
I think the problem is people are to comfortable to make a fuss, it's going to take something big to wake up the masses and give them a huge kick in the right direction.

If I had to choose a favorite bit, This was it :)

Surely by now most of us have realised that financial wealth is nothing more than an unattainable, illusory endeavour? Emotional wealth on the other hand is something that can be increased daily, with endless opportunities and abundance for all. There is no limit, no market cap on emotional wealth.


Thanks a lot @markwhittam. I really appreciate the positive feedback. I agree with you. We are far too comfortable, at least some of us and that comfort comes at the expense of others in the society we have built for ourselves but most are too short sighted to see that this is not the only way and that other ways of doing things could and would be more beneficial for us all.

Thanks again mate and for the resteem. Have a great day buddy!

It bothers me when the first reaction people have upon hearing something is to find the source, who said it. What does it matter who said it if the words are true, if they increase peace in the world? Truth, love, and peace need no authority to change the world. They just need acceptance, trust, and vulnerability.

Well said mate. Thanks for the comment buddy. Hope your day is going well!

Great article! That "perpetual paradise with personnel problems" really summed it up well- that paragraph alone nailed it!
Possibly the biggest problem that we have made here in this program has been erroneous belief systems, and this reminds me of what @larkenrose has pointed out as a superstitious belief in a thing called 'authority', where a few people are assigned enough of it to cause harm and discomfort for the rest. I suppose authority is- once acquired- likely to induce psychosis and violent behavior in many, like the Ring on a hobbit. Tolkien was an anarchist, and suggested that it was a long road to go in order to destroy the ring of power, and that it could only be done by the simplest of beings, who could resist the alien corruption through such dark power. The story is long, but has a good end, as I recall!

Thanks a lot mate. I didn't realise Larken was on steemit. I will have to check out his page and didn't know that Tolkien was an anarchist either. Thanks for the info. Just to back up my point, Larken speaks as clearly and explains as simply as anyone I have ever heard on the subject of anarchy, liberty and freedom and yet barely anyone knows who he is. :(

Yeah Larken is how I found my way to Steemit originally, following a link he put on Facebook. There are a few good quotes from Tolkien on anarchism, and if we substitute the Ring and it's power with any form of centralized government, the whole Ring trilogy can take on a new meaning. It's probably not a popular interpretation for the same reason that Larken isn't more well known; they both show the truth about the concept of assigning authority to individuals or groups-- the corruption is inevitable when one is given such power.

Thanks for a really intelligent and thought provoking post.

Sometimes I wish that people would just accept and in fact cherish each others perspective and differences but unfortunately as you say

The world we live in is a perpetual paradise with personnel problems. There are just a few who are fucking things up for the rest of us. They know who they are and they know what they’re doing. Their power over us comes equally from our innocence and our ignorance. They are the gods of this world for they have made us in their image.

While those people still exist, it will be hard to change things, but in the meantime I wish with everything that I have that one day we will reach that 100th monkey :-)

Cheers @scottish01. Me too buddy!

This is a really great article, and very well written. You've addressed issues that I have also given a lot of consideration to! In fact, I might consider using part of what you said here, if that's okay. Ie, a quote or two. Resteemed and upvoted!

Thanks a lot mymoontao! You are more than welcome to use whatever you want my friend! Have a great day! :)

Informations. Informations are evil. :D Not all ofc...I mean we would prolly still be drawing cave paintings if not for shared knowledge. But in this time...how I personaly feel is...there is to much false knowledge. Everyone gets to preach. You, me, your neighbour. We all have to have opinions and we all have to pick sides and we all need to talk talk talk talk.

Yes great ideas are there. But when you break it down...at the end we are still animals. I am not worried about the earth. The earth will still be here while we are long gone (either extinct or evolved). Just in my poor life spand of 34 years there has been so many changes and so many informations...I do not bother anymore. Everyone who has some time on his hands offers them. Left, right, top or bottom. If you think of the past and look back how do you look on people who lived....idk...in the 12th century?

How will people look on us in the future? Will they giggle thinking how the silly animal of the 21st century lived and thought? :)

Our life spans are to short to really measure anything big enough.

If you think of the past and look back how do you look on people who lived....idk...in the 12th century?

I have no idea how men and women lived in the twelfth century other than what I have been told by 'experts' who in my opinion are put in place and deliberately manipulate our understanding by perpetuating the history that is written by the winners. History is nothing more than a record of lies on top of lies to maintain the narrative that those who assume power force us to accept and live our lives by. Those who control the past, control the present and those who control the present, control the future! We need to take back control. We can't do it by looking to the past and the future may be too late sot that only leaves the present as a viable option. :)

Thanks for the thoughtful comment @atopy. Hope your day is going well my friend!

Yes...a lot of it is lies (but not all). Don't look at the history then....look at your own. Look at how you thought 5 years ago....what did you think 10 years ago? And 15? Would you say at some point you thought....god i was so young and stupid back then? Prospectives change...even our own memories sometimes lie and morph.

Even the thought: save the world ...came from somwehere. From someone who only wanted to fill his pockets....save the world...its dying. Buy this for a better world. Be eco friendly...build this kind of house, buy this kind of car, use this enviroment friendly products, etc.

I am glad you did not lose your hope. But i think if you really start thinking about all of this....its full of loose ends. I think the idea of a better world is grand. Just don't think its real. Just another product on the market and someone is making $ out of it. :)

Otherwise yes - got my job contract extended (super good news). Hope you are well too? And sorry if i get carried away to much...it is a good topic afterall. :)

I understand all of the points you make very well my friend. I could gave written a post for every header i made but my intention was to keep it short enough for tge average attention span and also include as many different thought provoking questions without going overboard. Unfortunately with most posts of tgis nature and on tgis subject, they only ever tend to find like minded people who are familiar with the situation rather tgan those it is actually intended for. :(

Congratulations on your contract extension. Thats great news.:)

It is this ubiquitous--and also in my opinion erroneous--sentiment that has been intentionally promoted through Hollywood, and therefore, I'd say, is also the reason why we have yet to make any significant, positive changes in the world we live in.

It's easy not to want to do anything to make the world better when you have already decided that you would fail. Better than to think of a seemingly logical reason why it isn't your responsibility, nor any other living being's, what type of world we leave behind for our descendants to reside in.

I don't know if you were aware of things that were happening during the time of Ron Paul. The Ron Paul Revolution- the letters evol were switched around, colored in red and made larger, and that banner was spread far and wide in this country. I helped hang one such banner off of a bridge and put another one easily fifty feet long up on an old army depot fence along a fairly major road. I saw many others in just about every city I drove through. I went to marches and rallies. One in liberty square Philadelphia where RP gave a speech that was so magnificent you felt as though the world had to change. There were easily twenty thousand people gathered there. But the mainstream media said "a few thousand" the mainstream media which constantly tried to discredit him, and mostly ignored him because they had no dirt on him and that was the best they could do, act like he didn't exist.
His supporters raised twenty three million dollars (also a number that was changed to a few million) for his campaign on November sixth 2007, on that date in honor of the movie V for vendetta (Remember, remember the sixth of November) He didn't accept one single penny of corporate money, every dime that was raised for him to win the nomination came from people like me and you. His official campaign didn't even set up that particular fundraiser, it was again, just regular supporters.
In the debates he would be cut off after thirty seconds of talking while they allowed the others running for it to go over their time by minutes. Yet he still won debate after debate in the popular poles, while the newscasters fumbled around saying "it must be a glitch" most of them paid fucking puppets.

After he lost he told the people that he knew he never stood a chance because the corruption ran so deep that he did not have the power and influence in high places to combat it. But that he had run for the nomination simply to get his message out there, of limited government, of stopping the meddling in other countries. Of not just legalizing marijuana, but taking the decision for such things out of the hands of the federal government. And he was also a doctor and pro life. He was our hope.
But the corruption runs so deep.

Here's two video from the ron paul revolution,two of thousands upon thousands. I want to believe that there still is someone who can say the right combination of words and make the change you are talking about, but having been such a big part of this and watching it fail...it's very hard to imagine what it would take.

Thanks for the videos @dreemit. I am of course familiar with Ron Paul and his campaign and am really not sure what to think about it to be perfectly honest with you. The words 'control the opposition' keep running around in my head every time I hear the names Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn. I have no doubt that Ron Paul was indeed genuine in the words he used and the message he was trying to convey but this does not mean that he was not serving the interests of those who decide our fate. What Ron Pauls campaign ultimately achieved was to resign a lot of his followers and supporters to the acceptance that no matter what is said or how popular the person saying it is, in the end the system always wins. Could there be anyone more passionate and articulate than Ron Paul? If not, then surely our best chance has come and gone and we must realise that there is no path to freedom through the system. The time for words has come and gone I think. Instead we need action and the simplest action is to simply turn our backs and walk away on mass. If we can do that we might have a chance but as long as there remain convincing apologists for the system who still believe in the misrepresented ideals of democracy, we will struggle to find the world we are all looking for.

Actually, I know you're right about him, especially about democracy, and it is highly likely he was just another puppet in their show. He did wake Howie and I up to how twisted everything really is, regardless of what his intentions were. And it doesn't change anything about how the system works. Did it cause disillusionment and aid in the idea that these elections are rigged and can't be won by anyone they don't choose? That's one way of putting it, another is that it simply exposed that fact, made it very clear.
I hear you about walking away. But I have to tell you that it will be a personal journey. The only way the masses would ever take that action is if they didn't have another choice...and by then it would be far too late.

I'm sorry. I'm actually having a tough couple days. It's been awhile since I've really thought about the point of it all and honestly the Ron Paul period is a nostalgic one because it was the last time that I believed...
It doesn't matter what it was I believed. I was wrong then and I don't know what is right now. Which isn't a great place to be. You have plans to move to the country and escape certain elements of the world, and it's good because it's a purpose. I'm just trying to figure out what mine is now. A part of me thinks that this is just one big game and taking it seriously is foolish. But there will always be that part that hopes there is something that can be done to have that better world that I've always envisioned and you talk about here, that it can be more than just a fanciful fictional place in my head.

Walking away en masse. Man, you're hoping for a miracle. My hope is that as time passes and it doesn't come you'll still find meaning in it all.

en masse

Thanks for correcting me. I had it like this originally but had one of those moments where it just didn't look right in print. :)

I don't actually think Ron Paul was a willing puppet or that his intentions were anything other than genuine but I do think we are all puppets and can be elevated at any point in time without ever really knowing who is behind our apparent success. We all have different perspectives and attitudes as individuals which can be used against us as a whole. I do struggle to understand how someone so smart and knowledgeable about the workings of the political system could have been so naive as to not understand this so I think Ron Paul always knew deep down that he was playing a part in their game, as I know I am now.

There have always been men and women like you and me (I believe). There have always been a few of us who can see what is happening in the world so we are in the same place, fighting the same fight as our peers from a hundred or a thousand years ago but we are always at least one step behind our opponents. It feels to me and I'm sure to you also that things can't go on this way for much longer and that things will have to come to a head soon but I'm sure that is how our friends from the past felt and yet they were wrong.

I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering lately but that is unfortunately the burden we bare and the price we pay for being able to see the truth but we are also both clever enough and wise enough to know that we cannot let things consume us and that whilst it may appear that hope is fading, a step back out into nature and the true reality of the world reminds us that this is indeed a fictional world in which we voluntarily spend our time and we are free to leave this prison for the mind whenever we choose.

You know well that I am as mixed up as you are regarding these thoughts as so many of us are but there is always reason to believe and perhaps we really are on the cusp of something big in terms of change around here but I don't see any reason to think that it is going to be the kind of change that I personally am looking for.

I should add that I recently watched a movie, a newer one though I cant think of the name offhand, and in this movie was a line that I can't get out of my head. "He chose the wrong ancestors."
Not 'he had the wrong ancestors', he chose them.

And another thought.. if we are the slave class, and there is little doubt that we are, how did we come to be it? Did the ancestors we choose have so little foresight that they ate their last bushel of grain during a hard winter, the bushel that they needed for planting in the spring, and when they were on the brink of starving those that did not eat their last bushel offered them a way to live in the form of an indentured servitude that is still in place to this day?

We are a people without history. They can tell us whatever they want us to believe about what happened a thousand or five hundred or even two hundred years ago, because our families were not smart enough to keep a record. And theirs were. Does that make them evil? If our ancestors had starved to death we wouldn't be here to have this conversation. And in this potential that I'm presenting you can argue that they should have just shared the grain with our ancestors. And there is where I'm not sure anymore. I once would have unequivically believed that, but now I think that conversely they could have just let them starve and I'm not sure if the way they handled it was greedy or just more of the same intelligence and foresight that caused them to save that bushel in the first place.

A very good point and one I have considered myself many times. If we started over now and gave everyone $200 for passing GO then we would likely end up in the same position as we are now which is why we need a whole new mindset to move forward in future. The scary thing is when the great and the good of our society understand this and could present and implement it in a benevolent way, they instead choose to do so in a way that will reinforce their control and dominance.This goes beyond wisdom and intelligence. It is psychopathic behaviour. Your argument would condemn future generations to a life of servitude for the choices that you and I make now and that can't be reasoned away as acceptable, especially when our ability to be successful is constantly being negated by those who have an interest in seeing the status-quo persist and who's ability to determine the path our society is taking are leading us into a world of their design and enforced by their rules. A world where we no longer have the ability to understand who we are but are instead programmed as the'person' that they want us to be in order to reinforce their system.

Acceptance is not an option my friend! Not for me! :)

This is exactly what I needed to hear, to shake me out of that. You're right, it is psychopathic behavior, and even if I could understand how it all began, how is it possible that generations upon generations later they haven't learned compassion? Or that they would view us all the same? And maybe that's not even the case, maybe they don't view us all the same. Perhaps with this new cyber world they can see who is who in the zoo.

In the movie Tomorrowland the bots go out looking for the dreamers and the inventors to build the new world. And since Hollywood has a tendency to put messages in their films...I'd like to believe that. And while I know this might sound harsh, if there is a 'harvest' coming, if they are going to do something like shut off the power, those who do not wake up, those who are what they might call 'useless eaters', consumers who add no value to this world...if you think about it, it's not a lot different than the spammers on steemit. Some not only don't add value, they detract value, and we don't want them here. While my preferred method of dealing with that is to give them a chance, to educate them and hopefully they'll learn and become productive, if someone is incorrigible they're going to be flagged, even by me who really hates using it.
Yes, that is my analogy apparently. It is very possible that the masses are in danger of being wiped out. Maybe it won't happen soon, or maybe it's like the parable from the bible about sodom and gomorrah, if a certain amount of righteous people are found everyone will be spared. I do know that what you said about it not being able to continue, that is the truth. One way or another.

Love talking to you, thanks for easing the burden a bit :)

It is very possible that the masses are in danger of being wiped out.

I actually think it is us that are in danger of being wiped out. The masses serve their purpose and to be honest I think they will go along with whatever is presented to them. I like to use the movie 'TIME' as an example of what I think the ultimate goal is. If you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it. It has a very interesting narrative.

I have no idea whether this is true or not but I have learned that more than anything we have to trust our own judgement and for whatever reason, whether it be that it is true or it is what I would like to believe is true, I do feel deep down that while there are good men and women in the world we still have a chance but I also think that with the dawn of the technological future that so many are eager to usher in, we will lose the ability to think independently so any chance we have must be taken soon.

I also look to the Matrix and the part where the old guy in the room with the tvs screens says to Neo that Zion has been built up and destroyed several times. For some reason this resonates with me and I feel that we have been here before, possibly several times and we will keep repeating the cycle until such time as we are able to free ourselves. How, I don't know. :)

The steemit thing is getting a little crazy and I'm not really sure where I stand on the whole thing to be honest. My opinion hasn't changed in all of the time I have been here and I still believe that it is a social experiment in the truest sense of the words and part of the design is to enable whoever is doing the experiment to monitor our reactions to various stimuli introduced during the forks. Why is it taking so long to launch? Seriously?

I am an idealist so I am not particularly happy with some of the behaviour I am witnessing on steemit but I am less concerned with the follow for follow and spamming issue than I am with the reward pool rape at the other end of the 'community' spectrum. I prefer to see follow for follow or spam than an upvote from Randowhale by the author of the post that ios being upvoted or the same thing when people use the minnowsupportproject bot to upvote their own posts or people upvoting their own comments. My condemnation of behaviour does not extend in one direction only as that of many others seems to. Again, it's a representation of the real world and a study in human behaviour to see how we will react and what choices we will make and it provides more 'data' to be studied, analysed and implemented to suit the needs of those who have access to it.

I don't think it will ever be the place that you and me want it to be. :(

Now that I feel like I got a lot of stuff out of my system I can see the bright side of things again. And you know what? Who cares what other people do, we need to just focus on what we do. If we think of this as leaving a legacy behind, an opportunity to talk to the future, to provide the history to our great great grandchildren that we were deprived of, I think that will make it so it continues to be worthwhile. Think about it this way- you're upset about the vote buying, why? Because the rich get richer and we're left with the scraps? Wouldn't that mean that you are just as concerned about the money as they are? Is that why you're here, for money? I'm directing that at myself as much as you. When I think about it like that...they're going to keep doing it, the only thing we accomplish by shouting about it is to make it the center of attention. Like the stupid elections this year. I want no part of politics, they're nothing but a life sucking time waster. I don't see any difference at all in my life between last year and now in terms of what's going on in the country.

"When nothing is owed, deserved, or expected. And your life doesn't change by the man that's elected" - Avett brothers)

As for the spam, I did get momentarily hurt by one of them which influenced my post. I'll continue to try and educate them, help them to improve and only take any action if I have to. Oh and, I put up the next playground episode :)

Think about it this way- you're upset about the vote buying, why? Because the rich get richer and we're left with the scraps? Wouldn't that mean that you are just as concerned about the money as they are? Is that why you're here, for money?

What upsets me is that I am part of this community and as long as this kind of behaviour continues it reflects on me. I have said to you before that I am more than happy to be rewarded for anything I post but I know that you know that this is not the reason I am here and it is not the reason that I am disappointed about what is happening with the vote buying. As far as I know this blockchain is a permanent record of every transaction that takes place so everything is there for whoever wants to look to see and I have no fear of investigation into my behaviour. That's not to sound better than anyone. it's just a reflection of the fact that I consider these things and make my mind up accordingly as everyone should but most look to the behaviour of those at the top and attempt to emulate it as they feel it will increase their chances of reaching the top or at least making some kind of progression and it becomes justified because everyone is doing it which obfuscates the fact that it is those at the top that are taking 90% of the rewards for little effort on their part. It is an unfair system like all of the rest where success depends on initial investment and ability to connect to the existing network and success is maintained by the delusion of the masses as in the real world. If I was here for the money I would be quite successful by now, make no mistake about it. And I don't think for one second that money is the motivation behind your presence here either. You're here for a reason and that is to make steemit a more positive and friendly place while spreading the message of freedom in the relaxed way that you do in your writing, such as The Playground Series....which I am heading to directly! :) See you there. :)

Sadly even with science some people simply don't believe facts. Yes we learn more as time passes but is it hard to believe that humans are affecting earth more than any other animal? That if we are capable of hunting some animals to extinction and capable of nuclear weapons, that we aren't capable to change air and climate?
Yes, sadly there is not 1 sentence that can change the world, BUT, information and spreading information has changed lives of generations, slowly but surely. Personally we still haven't given up meat, but we try. Less processed food are better for our health as well as environment. It is hard to make big changes, but it's never too late to change habits for better. Example in 2006 75% Chinese didn't know they were eating real shark fins, since 2007 the market has dropped by 80%!.
From personal experience: slight/subconscious racism and sexism were extremely common when I grew up just 10 years ago. Now those are way less acceptable and thankfully many young people are less homophobic. Religious and 3rd world countries have a looong way to go, to make life safer for everyone.
Too many people are traumatized from childhood, those traumas are hard to overcome. Many of our grandparents have been born soon after WWII. I cannot even imagine what war does to children, and how much of that trauma is reversible.
The recent trend of not vaccinating is putting many babies as risk, or those kids who have too weak immune system for vaccines. I had weak immune system as a child but I'm glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Everything in our childhoods is pure chance and I was one of really lucky. It's not perfect, but at least it's things that I can fix and already did most.
We just shouldn't give up. Find a way that we can contribute positively, those things are often very satisfying. Work hard, smart and spread compassion, and you will receive compassion in return. It's not all lost, world is better than it was few decades ago and it can be even better.

The reason I mentioned traumas is because those can be transferred through many generations, often through bad habits but even through genes.
Also psychology may be still young science but it has amazing insights and effective techniques to help oneself and the one that I definitely recommend is cognitive behaviour therapy. Also slow improvement is better than no improvement.

I'm not sure I can agree with all of the points you've made @kristyglas but I can definitely agree with your sentiments.

Thanks for such a thoughtful response. :)

Well, I would definitely love to hear more details :)

I love looking for patterns, I always wonder what causes and what life events cause people be what they are. Everyone is different, but somehow we often work in similar ways. So if I was in your place I would basically have same opinions as you, because environment and family is what creates us. There are more things ofcourse, but the point is we are products of life, all unique and not unique at the same time.

The recent trend of not vaccinating is putting many babies as risk

I can't agree with this as I am one of those who have chosen not to have my child vaccinated.

If you are from US I guess that's understandable, as they probably have the most conspiracy theories and some even proved true already. Also I don't know, maybe you're homeschooling your kids, so no one is at risk. Also you're not hiding that you're not vaccinating, which is good, so those who are concerned can make their own choices too.
Regular countries where the medicine is less of a profitable profession, it's probably easier to trust them. Sadly it's worst in underdeveloped countries where vaccines prove that they save lives through statistics. And yet they cannot get enough vaccines because of greed.

I am not from the US im from the UK abd my decision is based on my own research into the subject which is always ongoing but extensive enough at tgis point for me to feel comfortable saying that I believe vaccines serve a purpose other tgan the protection of those they are administered to. My son is too young for school but I decided long before he was born that he wouldnt be attending a state sponsored school. I have done my research here as well. There is plenty of information available for any thinking man or woman to come to their own conclusions without having to rely on the opinions of state approved experts. I have simply taken back my own ability to think critically and form my own conclusions. All I ask from anyone is that they respect my choices and decisions as I do with others. I am willing to listen voluntarily to advice from anyone as long as they accept that my decision is final. If others want to try and make decisions about mine and my families life on my behalf, then more fool them. :)

@canadian-coconut has some useful pist on the vaccination issue from my perspective.

I understand that your mind cannot be changed. What I am saying is that other parents should know your decision so that they can make their own. Because just as you fear for your kids for certain things others do for their kids. It is impossible to make informed decision without having the information part. Personally I'm not interested in having any kids, but as kids have no choice and depend on their parents/guardians to make all choices for them, it is only right to stand up for them.

I never said that my mind couldn't be changed. I am open to changing my opinions and beliefs should any new information that I am unaware of be presented to me but from the research I have done til this point, which is a fair bit, I remain convinced that vaccinating my son is not in his best interest. I understand your concerns about other children who have been vaccinated but I don't see why it would be an issue that my son hasn't been vaccinated if they have. Surely if they have had their vaccinations they are not at risk from my son who has not.

I think that science is a very good reason why people do not believe facts. Because it has become deeply political, and facts have become something one can purchase if they have an agenda to push. IF one can no longer trust scientific proofs, then what can they trust?

Well there are statistics too.
If you have 1% of the scientists saying opposite and possibly paid, it's definitely suspicious. Plus there is a difference between seeing popular magazines/websites that claim "new studies have proven something" and scientific papers.
Plus I understand that smoking was considered healthy by scientists not so long ago and now we know it kills because we have family members who died from it. The death statistics came late, probably because the unpleasant facts are harder to accept.

If you could give me a solid 24 hours of brainwashing time with everyone on the planet... I think I could do it. I think I could save the world. :)

Your time starts.....now! :)

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